Frost DK XD

So no one is going to talk about frost dks?
Bad taste joke

Yeah they can’t tank. RIP. I loved tanking on mine it was really fun.

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Yeah they lost of tankiness such a shame… :roll_eyes:

Yes very shame, and poor frost dks doing 2 mil dps with one spell remorseless winter. They are clearly in such bad state :joy:


Walk out of it? Cyclone the dk?

My god people are bad


I legit thought this was sarcasm.
Then i saw you’re a 1700 max xp dk main…


u are the reason why I queue at piss low mmr, just to farm clowns like u :kissing_closed_eyes:

Lvl 46 wlock, lvl 40 mage, lvl 40 dh downplaying the state of dk. They could not make it more obvious its dk main. The 1.7 max remarks aside even the matter that they dont have any alt that is played to atleast try make it less obvious, when most have dozen of alts by now. Dont think they are in position to call others anything if their understanding of the game is from one character and shuffles. Ppl with one character with 1.7k exp calling others bad at the game :melting_face:

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Nooo, it must be sarcasm. Even if he 1.7, he can’t be serious with that two line :smiley:

State of the DK=Balanced. You dont even have any rating but for sure you feel like a right person to add something to conversation. This thread will be full of little sad rats because their feral/mage/warrior have competition maybe.

true, 2 button class fdk competition, this will get nerfed anyway so enjoy while it lasts

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Well as your max is 1.7 and you having 4 seasons row of challenger for exp as highest, kinda funny from you or that the likes of you would attempt to flame anybody in first place, and not that it matters much as I were not the one to flame anyone on this thread or came here trying gaslight like you were, I do have more exp than you but like I said Im not the one who would need to defend myself in here :joy:

Now as you opened the door for ones capabilities to give takes on the topic lets see what you had to say about the current beyond broken state of frost dk.

Yeah both clueless and wrong :joy:

Now this seem more like correct and if you dont understand it without coming call others bad on the thread then I kinda see why you have challenger as your highest for all this time aswell.

Well if you say so it must be the exact opposite.

Nerf DK.

Seems like this is your first pvp season.
Let me explain how it works.

After season patch, Blizzard is gathering Information about PvP when rating rewards are " turned off"

Pvp tuning patch usually arrives after 1 week to fix major issues and a bigger one 2-3 weeks later.

Been like that for years.


wish there is a option to ping messages like in discord

but, exactly this. was never any different, it has always been like this.


These kinds of tears and salt are already making my days better.

Simply false. Just because you can’t escape an almost-rooted DK is a skill issue, no matter the rating. If that’s what’s holding you back from 1.8, well, too bad…

Yep, on EU, yes (I move a lot). I mostly play on US, to be fair, but I don’t go higher than 2-2.2.

TL;DR: I know you’re mad because of slow fingers, lack of practice, and skill problems. And to be fair, I’m not the best, but I really do enjoy casters’ tears. They’re always mad when someone from the bottom suddenly reaches them.

That gigabuffed remorseless winter is neat and all, but can actually be played around. The DK themselves just go splat though.

In case its still not clear. Nobody cares of 1.7 players with 4 seasons of challenger calling others bad :joy:

I see you mad. I am sorry. :sob: :yum: