Frost mage damage?

900k ice lances back to back, while my balance druid starsurges hit for 300k? Also permament half hp barriers??? While frenzied regen heals 20% hp (lolz)


no, barriers are pretty weak, icelance i agree is overtuned, idk why they haste casting so much, all casting abilities for mage do 0 dmg, but instant does more, makes no sense to me… it should be frostbolt and glacial hit like a brick, but icelance should be for when u have to move or cannot cast… isntead right now, icelance literally is your entire rotation

finger of frost > icelance
orb > icelance
flurry > icelance
snowdrift > icelance

so boring :confused:

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Yeah, mage are walking raid bosses at the moment. I literally blinked mid steed earlier and I was dead before the duration. They also seem weirdly tanky. A lot more so than any other spec I’ve played against.

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nah they aren’t tankier than most, lots of classes are tankier

maybe u met a mage that used Icecold talent

I have said mages have been OP for a long time. They made me quit playing for months. I just came back for the new expansion and its even more busted especially frost. They can even attack from stealth taking away half of your health at once. Its time for me to unsub…

Watched Savix and Stoopz last night trying to do arenas and man failing vs most frost mage comps in seconds while mages were blinking everywhere and doing milion of damage with their Ice Lance.


The Frost mage doesn’t make any sense and they came out the same as in the beta. They are so broken that people in the beta didn’t even want to duel them because of how broken they are


Not to mention they jump around seeminly with infinite teleports


Yeah good luck to any melee lol

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i mean, atm frostmage is overtuned

STILL weaker than MM most of Dragonflight and shadowlands, and thats saying something

not to mention still lose to literally every Survival

even now MM is topping except for Lock affly

so yeah, i do agree mage tuning is off, specially SPECIALLY icelance, but overall dmg, nah, there is classes doing more, the design of spamming icelance is pretty dumb, but thats it

rest of the kit is just alright, spellslinger passives are kind of a turn off

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What about Dks critting 2million?

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Have you played the beta? because it gives me the feeling that you haven’t played it. Literally the mage frost has very high damage without casting and has too many tools to survive with the damage it has. The afli lock is your counter, and the hunter can also counter you but at least you can kill the hunter.

P.S: I’m not playing the hunter, my hunter is simply an alter for bgs that I use when I’m bored


cba writing that much, magegod you are a clown in short words


Frost mage is busted and need some nerfs.


He plays nothing but mage all day in BGs, so there’s definitely an air of bias about his opinions.

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the affly lock is my counter
and so are
shaman, and so on.

yes, ive played it, yes its overtuned, yes it needs to be nerfed and tuned properly
no, it snot the strongest class, might be top 5.

i still see hunter boomie and affly heavily outperforming most bgs

dk and sp are just below, warrior is pretty good too

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Mages have been broken long before TWW. Their toolkit is insane. Spammable CC, multiple schools of magic with multiple schools of CC. Unrivalled control. Crazy sustained with one shots. Barriers which absorb an absurd amount of damage. Double ice blocks which literally heal them to full hp twice over, it’s like having double lay on hands. Spell steal should not be spammable.

When you actually manage to get in range of a mage as a malee, if you finally get through the shield, they will alter, which basic makes them immune to its damage for the duration. Then you’ll get kited all over again and if you manage to drop their hp they will Ice block to full.

Since when should mages be able to heal AT ALL.

All this while you’re being controlled and nuked down.


they could heal since wotlk

Just watch Nisqyy’s streams.
He’s a LoL LEC pro player for SK Gaming, kinda new to WoW.
He’s been playing the game for only 3 days , and he’s already stomping mglads in skirmish with his frostmage.

he even took a game off Wallirik who’s like 20x R1 :joy:
hilarious :joy:

guy has literally 30h of /played :joy:

completely overtuned spec


That used to be the case perhaps, but is not anymore. Currently mage don’t have any real counters tbh.
Even lock you can overpower with your dmg atm.