Frost Mage - Frozen Orb, Ice Barrier BUG

The Frozen Orb when displays as though it’s ready for use, but it remains unusable related to H Paladins in the group, when they use Blessing of Autumn. This bug results in the recipient of the blessing results in the recipient of the blessing losing cooldown timers on certain abilities, like Frozen Orb and in some cases, it causes action bars to become grayed out.

Additionally, the Ice Barrier when combined with the Accumulative Shielding talent, appears to be off cooldown but cannot be cast. These issues are specific to raid encounters and Mythic+ dungeons, and they significantly impede the playability of the spec, making it frustrating to use.

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Yes i often have where i cant use frozen orb even in m+ it shows ready but i cant use it. I dont know what is causing it tho.

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This issue remains unresolved to date. Is there anyone from Blizzard Support available to assist? Hello! This persistent bug is quite annoying and requires attention ASAP.

It’s a paladin bug. It does it to a lot specs. Quite fun to mess with people if your the paladin. Had a shammy reloading and relogging the other day before I told him it was me :grin:

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