Hey all,
I am looking for a friendly and social (A) guild to raid with. I used to raid with The Imperium (heroic & mythic) on Chamber of Aspects in 9.0.
My ilvl currently sits at 215 due to swapping toons (mained aff/destro lock in 9.0). I am happy learn, take on feedback, and progress with your raiding team.
I am available for raids Tue & Thu (evening), Sat, Sun (anytime). I will need to bring my ilvl up before looking into HC raids and I totally understand that.
I am currently on Chamber of Aspects but I am willing to server swap for the right sociable guild.
Let me know if you’re looking for a friendly, mature and open minded frost mage.
Hello Iceslinger!
Ministry of Silly Wipes are looking to start raiding from this weekend; Saturdays and Sundays, 20:00 - 23:00 server time. We hope to progress to at least get AotC if possible, and maybe even do some Mythic raiding If all goes well!
As we’re a new guild we’re still assembling our core team, and helping some people to gear as they’ve re-rolled to join us. So we’re happy to help you to gear too if you want, through Mythic + keys during the week. We’re quite a social bunch, and have our own Discord.
Please give our post a read, and if we sound like what you’re after, feel free to add me to chat!
Discord: xWestie#9361
Hey there! If you’re willing to server change then check out Fury on Silvermoon! We have two raid teams, one of which raids on Tuesdays and Thursdays 20:00-23:00 server time and is aimed at AOTC. Here’s a link to our recruitment post: 💥 [A][Silvermoon] <Fury> 2/8M MYTHIC RAID TEAM LF SHADOW PRIEST - #12 by Zerofoxx-silvermoon
I think it might be exactly what you are looking for! Feel free to get in touch if you have any questions! Discord: Zerofoxx#7345 
Hello mate, if you want you can add me on discord and I can tell you about the guild I’m running with. <Drunk tigers can’t raid> 5/10 HC my discord is Kheldras#5890
Look forward to hearing from you