Frost mage/Bm hunter LF for raiding guild

Both chars at 250+ ilvl currently, looking for a chill raiding guild with raid days Mon-Wed preferably. Goal is to clear normal/heroic difficulty and maybe later few mythic bosses.

Willing to help people out with m+ as well.

Add me : IoleSnape#2105 for discussion.

Hi there Iolisnape

At present my guild is recuirting members for raiding we are a small group who have gotten ATOC in both CN and SOD, we aim to get it for SOTFO aswell, we raid on a monday and wednesday at present starting ST 20:30 - 23:00 we are on Dragonblight and I would love to have a chat if you are interested.

Here is the guild post if you wanna know some more about what we are looking for.

Hey :slight_smile: I have sent you a friend request if you are still looking for a guild