Frost Mages

Good evening! Dear frost mages, can you please tell, which rotation do you use or what do you do to get nice dps? Because I am using hekill addon now, but it does not help me much. Thanks for answer, dear frost mage! (or mages).

Hekilli makes alot of rotational mistakes, it will also encourage using CDs at really silly times in m+.

Its just fishing for procs primarily.

So frostbolting to fish for ice lance / brain freeze procs.

Use flurry on CD as it gives 2x ice lance bonus shatter damage.

Make sure to follow up every flurry use with 2x ice lances even if they havent procc’d it dont matter.

Use ice nova to again freeze targets followed up with ice lance.

When going into Icy veins, make aure to use frost orb, even in ST the generation of Ice lances is needed to retain the buff.

After ROP has faded from icy veins recast your next and ensure to use the old dreamgrove covenant ability from SL to knock all CDs down

As a mage you can self time warp, while its on the 10min groyp CD. So ensure ur doubling TWing.

Thanks! What is CD?


When u time warp for the group, u will see a 10minute debuff on ur effects bar preventing time warp being used.

Except mages in its currebt build takes a talent which allows u to self time warp regardless of that cooldown (exhaustion i think its called)

So you can give ur group BL every 10mins, and urself a BL a second time after the 5 minute cooldown

Btw in future, id recommend using the mage section of the forum, its more likely mages will see your post, as this post is under your realms channel which is typically used for advertising.

You can find mage section under the class subforums

And if you use discord there is a mage discord where you can get more active replies on mage related subjects, you can prolly find a link to join it from googling WoW Mage discord. Think its name is altered time

Thanks! Good night.

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