- Frost Strike damage increased by 95% in PvP combat (was 75%).
Before the patch I hit, with my PvP gear, with frost strike for around 60k. Now its around 50k after the patch on the same PvP target dummy in valdrakken. I have not changed gear nor anything else since yesterday.
One thing to mention is that the tooltip of frost strike is buffed, it now says 104k contra the 80k ish yesterday, but hits for 52k on the dummy. I am using two hander so its one damage number.
I guess this is what to be expected of frost dk pvp buffs? Tooltip buffed, but the damage the ability actually does is nerfed (75% → 95% = -10%?)
Edit: After more testing. Without using PvP this time (so the gear wont scale when fighting the pvp target dummy). Frost strike hits for 37k (with a tooltip of 37k) on the “Dungeoneers training dummy (pve)”, while on the pvp target dummy it hits for 36k, with a tooltip of 70k. Please tell me my math is of somehow, since that is the almost the same number of actual hit for both PvE and PvP… Wheres the 95% increase? The tooltip sure is close enough exactly to 95% increase, not the damage of the ability.