Frostmane (PvP) Horde Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Horde side of Frostmane in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

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Panzy, Troll Rogue, guild master of The Panzerknackers, later member of Renegades (yeah THAT bastard xD)

Will start Classic with two IRL friends, Bokmar and Quildoom, maybe others will follow. Am in contact with some other Dragonmaw/Frostmane veterans who are coming back as well, we plan to play on the same server. I hope they will post here, one of them is kinda famous. If he doesn’t I will announce it at some point.

People that come to my mind that I hope will be coming back:
Farq & squad (No Soup For You!! for life xD)

These are just some ingame friends that came to my mind first, ofc I want all of you back, even my most hated Alliance rivals!! There are many others who I still remember, I will put down more names later.

I made this same post on the Dragonmaw forum (there was a migration once from Dragonmaw to Frostmane)

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Remi a Mage? If so give him a /wave

Yes he was a Undead Mage, how awesome that you remember him too!

I played on a few realms over the years trying to remember which guild i know him from, i didnt think it was Dragonmaw as i was only there for a short while, was he ever on Outland?

I used to play on Frostmane in Renegades aswell. I remember swoop.

Whipcorder, Orc Warrior, member of Renegades.

My memory is really fuzzy, I vaguely remember you Panzy, what’s your nationality?

Swoop, he played rogue and was a dps monster, he also was Portuguese as I am but I have lost contact with him and his “circle of friends”

Koceron played Shaman and is Turkish, he also was an amazing player and person, later I did a shaman in TBC mostly because of him, he was dope and I wanted to be as dope as him! :smiley: We also raided together in TBC.

Don’t remember anyone else from that list but I do remember a lot more from Renegades and Frostmane.

From Renegades I remember:
Totemraiser - GM
Grogna - MT
Cybercat - OT
Panorramix - Priest
Darktheory - Mage
Shadowslord - Lock
Touran - Druid

Most of this players are Portuguese and I was able to be somewhat in touch with some of them along the years. I know some of them aren’t coming back because of personal life related issues.

Frostmane was an amazing server in his prime, Memento Mori is the guild I remember the best from our server as a “pro” guild.

Theplague, Undead Priest, was our faction true WARLORD! A freaking legend in my eyes!
He led the Horde to many victories in BG’s, later in TBC me and my friends were looking for another dps to do an instance, he joined us as shadow from the trade chat, I remember that run to this day, absolute honor to have played with him!

Hope I will be able to cross paths with other veterans from Frostmane!

Totemraiser was officer of the shamans. Blackpaw was guildmaster. Overhauled was officer of the priests.

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Ohh yeah! Sure Blackpaw, I remember him. I meant to say Raid Leader, wasn’t Totem the main Raid Leader?
Yes I remember the name Overhauled but not his spec or role in guild.
You were also in Renegades?

Yeah thats true Totemraiser was often the raid leader. All priests were holy until TBC was announced. I was also in Renegades as Priest for almost 2 years i believe. However it was long ago so i cant remember all.

I also remember whaam or something (dps warrior)

Yes I remember your name Wangsta, pretty sure we raided MC many times!

Not sure about Whaam as a dps warrior.

I remember Totemraiser from my TBC period with ‘Lost Souls’ i believe it was. Led some of the raids myself aswell during that period. Sledge, Darthan. Wangsta rings a bell too… Cant put my finger on it. Offc theplague was a legend. Also remember that iHorde Guy that always shouted “no soup for you” when he won a fight. Forgot his name though.

Transferred from dragonmaw too, as do many others.

Hello all!
Used to play a lot here as well, first on Dragonmaw then Transfered over to Frostmane.
My own main Characters were my Undead female rogue Countessa and Orc female warrior named Mordessa.
Was most of my time in the guild Erratic and a few other guilds as well.

Some players I remember from the old days would be
And so many more o:

Don’t know, think he was on Dragonmaw and later Frostmane.

WE’RE GOING HOME BROTHA!! OFC I remember you, FURY warrior!!

To answer your questions, I’m Dutch, was not the most vocal on Teamspeak but I used to top the meters together with Swoop AFAIK!

I remember all those guys you brought up as well, Koceron I talked to him once after WoW and he went through some rough times, really hope he’s fine, great guy indeed.

Renegades was cool because we had all these different nationalities, we were a nice bunch of irregulated scum together hehe xD

Memento Mori was one of the top Alliance guilds indeed, Horde had Malevolence Incarnate, iHorde and some others I can’t really get to the name.

Myself did do TBC but quit halfway through due to RL stuff. I did meet Thorgall IRL afterwards though, great guy and master of the Windfury.

Yeah indeed it was like that. Overhauled I remember him too, LMFAO’d so many times with that dude while doing LBRS gold farm runs and stuff like that. Awesome person.

That iHorde guy you mention was named Farq the Gnomekiller, I had him listed already xD

Hi! I remember you too even though we neved player together much, my friend Bokmar (Troll Priest) was in the guild ISLE and later Erratic I believe.

Let me test my memory for fun:

Epo - Undead Mage
Lifekiss - Human Priest
Riches - Gnome Mage
Reak - Druid? Very vague
Galning - UD male priest, not sure though
Bigbeef - Tauren Warrior
Kaveira - Troll Shadowpriest
Dopa - Can’t remember
Sqrensen - UD Mage or lock
Balouu - Orc Shaman
Eldfast - Orc Warrior
Chaser - Orc Warrior
Gust - don’t know

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Heyhey! :smiley: Yeah your name was familiar so! ^^ The guild was first called ISLE yes and then Erratic at a later point :slight_smile: Bokmar is a name I recall as well ^^

Most of those were correct yes!
Reak - was a gnome mage as well, ran around with Riches.
Galning - was a male troll.
Dopa - Tauren warrior (Think he became guild master in Malevolence Incarnate later on in Wrath of the lich king maybe.
Sqrensen - was a UD mage
Gust - Was a night elf male warrior, he was like one of the most known warriors in pvp but think that was back on Dragonmaw, was running around with Arcanite reaper quite early.

Thanks, now I remember Gust too!

Also remember that pesky nelf rogue Lexicat. Always ran away unless he had all his cooldowns ready. Hope he comes back so I can gank him xD

On Dragonmaw we also had the cow trio Arcanite Reaper warriors, Bigbeef, Badbull and Endbringer, I remember that hehe, the times when WSG was just out and we all had to go to the entrance near Ashenvale border, ganking back and forth, great times.

Gust was a cool guy, was fun dueling him in the old days, scary as hell with that arcanite reaper though :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah Lexicat xD He is still playing i think, though he is player a mage called Lexikat, but he still plays the same way xD only takes on sure fights and quickly tries to get away if the fight turns :stuck_out_tongue: but yeah, he was just ganking everywhere :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah xD I used to play in the premade team for wsg with bigbeef and badbull with my Rogue. Those fights on the Ashenvale borders while waiting for new games were a lot of fun though, a lot of good memories from that ^^

Staryu - Troll Priest, transferred from Shattered Hand with my clan Non Phixion.

Unfortunately, NP is Alliance these days, but hoping to reconnect with old team mates as Horde.

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Think Non Phixion is more or less dead maybe at the moment, they are on alliance now yes, but its just Soulie running around still there i think, and a few others from time to time :slight_smile:

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