Hi there, atm we are open for recruiting. We have 2 groups for Mythic raids 2/8 Prog and 3/8 prog. We raid on Thursday & Monday(Mythic) @ 19:45 - 23:00 (WoW Server time)
Guild & Server: Frostwolves Den - Twisting Nether
Language(s): English
Raid Times/Days: Wednesday(Optional: HC/ALT) , Thursday & Monday(Mythic) @ 19:45 - 23:00 (WoW Server time)
Current SIGMA Progression: — 3/8 Mythic Nerub’ar Palace
Current ZETA Progression: — 2/8 Mythic Nerub’ar Palace
Recruitment Contacts: @Alpha Vicharos (John) - Tarren Mill (A) @Lymana
Requirements: We want people that will commit to the raiding schedule , as it will serve the needs of two mythic raiding rosters raiding with the same time schedule.
Needs: Dps/Healers , all classes and 2 with decent off-spec dps/heal as wel