Can we please have a permanent frostwyrm pet for our Frost spec? Either it being a new type of pet for Death Knights or a customization of the Ghoul, perhaps a glyph so it’s optional.
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We’ll get them at somepoint, but having a frostwyrm as a pet idk about that.
Im not sure both dps speccs of dks should be pet speccs, seems like removing a option from the class, rather then adding.
I can see this working as a glyph to change the appearance of the ghoul, not some sort of ability. Wouldn’t want frost to also be a pet class.
But my some frosty looking ghoul would be cool too.
please no. i alreadey hate unholy is %100 pet class for years.
i would add talent like mm hunter lone survivor to unholy if i could.
i prefer temporary pets with buff debuffs while we do rot or wound damage.
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