When I first login each day, it works fine, but at some point after playing 1 or more random bgs, it stops working outside PvP. It becomes greyed out and Orb doesn’t work.
I’ve submitted a bug report about it in-game but thought I’d mention it here too in case anyone can advise.
hi again mate! why not make it a /castsequance macro? #showtooltip
/castsequance reset=10 Frozen orb , Ice Lance, Ice Lance ,Ice Lance ,Ice Lance
reset=10 is a timer in seconds when your sequance will reset aka the game will start to read the macro from the beginning but is very messy because it also takes in consideration how many times u press the macro that is why you just type Ice lance, Ice lance endlessly after Frozen orb.
Castsequance is a messy solution but a macro can hold up 255 characters …so …I think something like #showtooltip
/castsequance reset=(frozen orb CD time in seconds) Frozen orb, ice lance ,ice lance (untill u fill up all the 255 characters ) may do the trick
that will cast frozen orb in CD and then should cast Ice lance untill frozen orb is back up but if u spamm the macro for ice lance more time than how many ice lance’s are in the macro,i think it will break…it will fix itself once Frozen orb is off CD and you can cast it,then the macro will reset itself…
Hope it helps…
have a nice day
Hey I appreciate all your hard work and it’s another angle, but at the moment I’ll probably just cast Orb and Veins individually when this happens, God permitting, as I prefer to be free to choose my abilities rather than follow a cast sequence. Also using a cast sequence wouldn’t be any quicker than casting the abilities individually anyway. The benefit of the macro is that it would save me a button press. Other than that there’s nothing else to he gained I don’t think.
yes castsequance is a mess…
but may i recommend a “Shift” macro? #showtooltip
/cast [mod:shift]Ice lance ;[nomod] Frozen Orb
if u shift press it,it will Ice lance no matter what…if u normal press it,it will cast orb…if orb is in CD,nothing will happen and Shift press will still cast Lance no matter what…
this type of so called “mod” macros never break…is basically 2 spells in 1 button but you need to press a so called “Modifier”…what do I mean by that…
well,assuming u use the macro above ,the modifier is Shift…but you can swap it with [mod:Alt] or with [mod:Ctrl]
you can also do it the other way around ( I think this will work better for you) #showtooltip
/cast [nomod] Ice lance ; [mod:shift] Frozen orb
this will spamm ice lance any and every time u press it and if you shift press it it will cast Orb…it will never break no matter what…if Orb is in CD and u shift press it,nothing will happen,if u press it with orb in cd and non shift,it will spamm lance…
also you can replace [mod:shift] with something like [mod:ctrl] or [mod:alt]
all of the above is left side of the keyboard aka shift,alt,ctrl,what ever you see fit
(my personal pref is Shift but your mileage may vary), I just find [mod:shift] more comfortable …
let me know how it works.
have a nice day
Thanks; I’m aware of this type of macro. I already use shift and ctrl as mods in my keybinds so no real need for this.
My PvP Frozen Orb macro is a little more complicated than the one in my OP but it uses [@cursor] because I use the PvP talent ‘Concentrated Coolness’, so I suppose this may legitimately not work outside PvP, but even the simplified PvE version I posted in the OP has been plagued by the apparent bug I mentioned.
Oh actually my PvP macro does work outside PvP until the bug occurs.
hi again mate!
uuufff…well this is another can of worms…
If you have some fancy macro that uses PvP tallents,that macro will break no matter what in a pure PvE setup…unless some God in WeakAura coding can help you but …“no”…implementing a tallent (an argument ,condition,what ever) that is not available in a particular setup like “calling” a PvP tallent in a PvE environment…it won’t work…
Hello! No I’m not calling a PvP talent. I’m using [@cursor] in a macro for PvP, but I have one without [@cursor] for PvE because of the problem I encountered: I wanted to see if that was what was causing the problem: i.e. trying to cast Frozen Orb at cursor when it’s not an ability that casts at a position outside PvP with the talent Concentrated Coolness. When using this PvP talent, using [@cursor] saves you a click as otherwise you first have to cast Frozen Orb and then you have to click again in order for your Orb to appear, when the green circle is positioned where you want it to appear. Using [@cursor] casts it at your cursor’s position without bringing up the green circle and hence saves you a click, in case you didn’t know.
As I said though, the problem still occurs even without using [@cursor] once I’ve done 1 bg. Before doing any bgs, both the macro with [@cursor] and the one without (the one in the OP) work fine, so it seems that it’s not the [@cursor] part that’s causing the problem. This said, it is odd that the macros fail exactly after coming back to PvE after doing 1 instance of PvP. Maybe there is a connection here, but it seems like a bug to me nonetheless.
Also, I’ve noticed this problem has been mentioned in another thread entitled something like ‘Spell not learnt error when using…’. It seems the problem is not limited to the mage class but is affecting some abilities of other classes too.