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true and there’s loads like me so u should prob just switch off my realm :slight_smile:

You can do both though? You can Rp AND PvE (and PvP obviously)? They’re not mutually exclusive.


Says the guy who

So sorry to burst your bubble but AD is not an raiding realm, the RP stands for rolepaying not raiding.

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Off your realm you say, God can you be more cringe?

Alright just for you gonna put in the effort, go to, after you manage to do that (I know its challenging) search for “WoWProgress” and find Argent Dawn EU.
If by any chance you have issues with navigating thru WoWProgress say, I will gladly be of help.

yes so you better start purchasing that realm transfer or turn this into an RP guild :slight_smile:

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Nahhh son I plan on doing the opposite actually, bringing more as you call them OOC people/guilds here to make specifically your daily experience much better.

How about that Tehya ha?

I think that sounds like something that’d require social skills :clown_face:


Snif snif why are roleplayers so mean ?..
How dare they object when I threaten to bring more OOCers to crash their party and openly advertise the parody of the server true purpose…
Must be their one single digit IQ snif snif. I alone know how to read a 3d party website more than Blizzard tags. Snif snif, must be Blizzard fault, not mine. They put me in the wrong server…

Keep staying delusional :smiley:
But perhaps the wake up call might be when what happend on Defias Brotherhood happens here?

Between being delusional and being a purposely troublemaker, I think the worst person here isn’t me

Tolerance for OOCers ruining the realm? Don’t worry, won’t see that here.

I beg to differ, imagine a world without butthurt commentators what wonderful place that would be but… here we are now because they simply could not resist the urge to spew long lines of BS

Oh and Tehya do consider being more secure and start writing from your main, just a thought of course i wouldn’t want to make you feel uncomfortable.

The virgin 26 posts VS the chad 4951 posts

Are you getting off my realm yet


Continue being cringe :rofl:

You actually remind me of those sad reddit folks who just feel the need to comment on everything to feel relevant even tho no one even knows who they are xd

So yeah by all means continue ramping up your post count, especially in threads discussing weather or not male IRL people look cute in their Nelf outfits.

Plot twist : Everyone who roleplays on this server knows who Tehya is.
I dare say it’s rather the opposite for you.


Their main is a character with same name.

Whic is fine by itself BUT, why you are on a realm dedicated to that aspect, then? (And the only one remaining, since other RP servers died due to flood of OOCers)
Would be pointless to do so, while there’s many realms dedicated to PvE.

Should give Roleplay a try.


bUt 3D LaRgEsT rEaLm…
PiCkEd It BeCaUsE OtHeR rEaLmS oFfEr CoMpEtItIoN aNd wE wAnNa LoOk gOoD nOt AvErAgE


The whole ‘haha ur a nobody’ spiel kinda falls short when you, yourself, are the nobody. Now get off my realm or turn this into an RP guild UwU


Kump you don’t seem to be a troll so will talk to you normally as with anyone else, I am well aware that realms initial purpose was indeed RP but over the course of years this realm became one of the highest rated pve realms on Alliance.
Right after Ravencrest and Silvermoon, so if you are not interested in overly crowded realms such as those two your next best option for raiding IS Argent Dawn

And yeah Theya continue being a cesspool forum spammer please, because after all your post count matters, gonna look good on CV if you ever consider leaving the sanctuary of WoW roleplaying.

Do you need help setting up the RP concept for the guild? I’ll gladly help you out :slight_smile:

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