Full Frontal - Terenas/Emerald Dream - Heroic Raiding and M+

Good day all,

We are a new guild and are currently recruiting for our raid team. Hopefully you can tell from the guild name we enjoy bantering with each other and laughing about during keys and wipes. We are a few friends from the end of season 3 of Dragonflight who decided to make and run our own guild. The guild is focused on creating a team atmosphere and running M+ with members to bring that team spirit into our future raids.

Looking to raid Friday 20:00 - 22:30 & Monday 20:00 - 22:00 server time. We have now full cleared heroic 8/8 after our first raid but we are still recruiting. We’re looking for players of a similar level, are happy to help and teach people to get to that level.

Dps wise as with any one who applies we will consider any good players but need the following mostly. Tank off spec would be useful.

Mage - any spec
Warrior - any spec
Death Knight - any spec
Envoker - any spec

If this sounds like your kind of guild please contact me via the following ways add me in game morrisq3#2970 or on discord caniniechris

Still recruiting the above. Mythic plus players that don’t really want to raid are also more than welcome to join. Socials are also very welcome!

Still recruiting

Still recruiting!