Full hard nochanges

Yeah they are very selective let’s do the real no changes

Revert av changes so Allience can premade again as you said #nochanges

Wait they took out the artificial lag please reinstate spell batching #nochanges

Oh no there is log on queue 4 hours we don’t want to be able to log in for 4 hours remove layering now #nochanges

Oh we can’t abuse warlocks eye with priest bubble now to do safe pulls revert now #nochanges

Oh I can’t do the infinite farm in mauradon now please make the elemental mobs drop items again #nochanges

Omg I cannot make a raid party and power level in dungeons revert #nochanges

The bots can’t control the black lotus spawns please revert the changes now and while you at it revert the devilsaur change now I want a monopoly #nochanges

Hey I can’t sap the guy who gives the Dragonslayer buff anymore to prevent a faction getting a buff please revert now #nochanges

Hey I cannot infinitely stack reckoning anymore I want to one shot world bosses #nochanges

Do I need to go on? Changes were made in classic and for good reason the game will get broken in tbc #nochanges is terrible


Sorzza mate, I don’t think tbc is for you mate, you seem to dislike everything about it, retails for you fella

If blizzard applied every change you wanted it would be a different game lol


You needed another topic about the same thing?


NO to #NOCHANGES! I like Classic, but everything bad about it was because of nochanges mentality. They were somehow surprised that with xx guides on the net, perfect knowledge and years spent on pservers, Ony, Ragnaros, Nefarian, C’Thun and KT were beaten in hours, not in months (and with nochanges values based on 1.12). Oh, why the WB meta is the thing now, I don’t remember it in vanilla!
Seriously, nochanges is worse than somechanges, which ppl somehow didn’t understand. They think they now can demand for anything in TBC (like transmog, wtf) , while this is not the purpose of somechanges.

There is exactly one person on this planet who decides what is for me and what isn’t.

That person is me.



So, when we will have WoTLK classic in like 2 years, you say that you want the Heroic dungeon group finder? That you want a disgusting group finder in BC?

#nochanges is not a good thing, doing changes in the spirit of building a good community is. Let them make some changes, those the game needs to be more fair and fun.

Sure no problem!

while we are at it we have to revert Lua changes so I can use my vanilla add-ons you know the ones that can target and cast heals automatically on the target that needs it the most or I might want to script my own automated bot add-on you know #nochanges

Revert the changes to auras so I can detect from 100 yards again for spy add-on and a 100 yard world buff detection add-on I need to know if rogues stealth and to remove buffs #nochanges

There is way to many people on a server limit it to 5000 instead of 30,000 I know this might make 8 hour queues but #nochanges

Let’s remove all the quality of life changes oops clicked wrong flight path too bad you can’t exit , Add-on’s causing errors too bad you cannot turn off in game you better close that client and fix #nochanges

Need to mail to an alt too bad you can only send one item a time #nochanges

Let’s make infernal summons kill someone again with durability loss #nochanges

Let’s make each zone operate like an instance too many players in burning steppes too bad you can’t enter #nochanges

You like to do speed runs ah well too bad you now need to distribute loot now we don’t allow loot to be traded #nochanges

Mage boosting is not enough revert the nerf to exp gained tagging mobs letting other players kill for full exp outside the party #nochanges

Graphics are too nice let’s revert it to the proper vanilla client we need more blur #nochanges

Give me back the wall jumping I want to be able to solo more full dungeons as mage #nochanges


Reductio Ad Absurdum is fun isn’t it?

They were defeated so easily mostly because the game was not progressive and started with 1.12 so we had the last patch talents/items which were extremely superior to those raid tiers respectively.

Vanilla/classic had some flaws in it, none with a working brain ever said that it was a perfect game. But it was still a million times more fun, enjoyable and social than retail was for 10+ years.

I don’t get some people but how was “classic ruined” exactly? It was not ruined AT ALL. Overall, it was a pretty amazing ride. Was there some annoying things? Yes there were, like raidlogging for world buffs. Or layering. Or 20k+ server queues. Or premades in random BGs. Or cross-faction collusion during the war effort. Some of them were due to changes made to the game(like layering) and some goes into bad elements that “nochanges” group ignores.
But if you look at the overall experience, it was a massive fun. I don’t know how you can look back to the last 2 years of playing an actual MMORPG, despite all its flaws and say that “it was ruined”. It wasn’t ruined at all, for the first ever since Activision acquired Vivendi games(blizzard), I have been able to make friends in game, meet with people and participate in server-wide events.


I’ve not had as much fun in a videogame since The Fortress of Dr. Radiaki.

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I consider the population of a realm the total number of players with characters on it. The total number of players online at once is capacity isn’t it?

@Dottie: I am going to expand a bit on my thinking, especially so Gommié and others can take an… “expanded view”, I think one could say. :smiley:

Realm population as whole can range into several hundred thousand (we know this from the time RealmPop still functioned).

Realm active population can range into several tens of thousands (see places like Silvermoon and Draenor when activity is high).

Realm population CCU cap (= number of people who are allowed in concurrently). On retail realms this number is about 6 000 (as far as I was able determine some years ago). On Classic realms this number is NOT static (and this is a major change to both Vanilla AND retail), because Blizzard invented layering.

If Blizzard elected to (and I have zero reasons to think they would) enforce a strict realm CCU cap of say, about 3 500 (, which would be at least close to original TBC) and layering entirely disabled, they would need launch literally dozens (by my moderate estimate somewhere around 100 to 150 realms each for US and EU) new realms for TBCC launch and only a few months later go on a massive connected realms spree. That does not feel like a desirable outcome (to me at least) for any party (players / Blizzard / 3rd party suppliers of various things, such as servers).

Put in other words, including several things that have already been mentioned in this thread and others, obsession with #nochanges is a massively bad idea in multiple ways (in my personal opinion).

Additional note for extra clarity (I hope at least :smiley: ): Active population (even permanently) exceeding the CCU cap is not a problem by itself as queues are nothing new and it is extremely uncommon for the active player number to be very close to total existing players on a realm. However, if the active population exceeds the CCU cap (even after layering options have been exhausted) by such a massive margin that realm has (semi-)permanent (multihour) queues, it is too full and this should be avoided by any economically feasible methods available to Blizzard.

@All: I know that some people are not going to listen and even larger part of the player base will never read this text, but those who do… Please, pick your TBCC launch realms sensibly. Try to avoid the realms you know or suspect to be likely to get overcrowded. TBCC launch will bring some people back and there will be some, who elected to skip playing Classic, too.

I am not going name specific realms, because I do not have a magic ball to see into the future and into such details as how the population will split between permanent Classic era and TBCC on specific realms. All that I ask is that you consider your options and especially if you play with large groups of friends, what is best for you as a group / guild / community.

A good tip.

I’m not even going to be playing in Outland for at least a month after launch, as I hate crowds.

It’s amusing that you think we will get to the point where crowds happen :smiley:

Here is my rough estimate on what launch-day todo-list could look like:

  1. Hand in stored raid quests
  2. Fly/HS to Blasted Lands
  3. Step through Dark Portal
  4. Get Disconnected
  5. Relog into loading screen
  6. Get Disconnected
  7. Relog into Waiting Queue (pos. 627)
  8. Curse
  9. Try to click on first quest NPC (the one that lets you fly to thrallmar/honorhold)
  10. Accept Quest, Talk to flightmaster, liftoff
  11. Get disconnected
  12. Relog to 600m above ground in The Barrens (world zeropoint)
  13. Fall
  14. Talk to Spirit Healer
  15. Get Disconnected
  16. Reloa to Waiting Queue (pos. 7242)
  17. Curse Loudly
  18. Apologize to people next door for cursing
  19. HS/Fly back to blasted Lands
  20. Step through dark portal
  21. Get Disconnected
  22. Put keys back into keyboard
  23. Relog, talk to flightmaster
  24. Make Dinner while flightmaster is unresponsive.
  25. Return to screen, discover disconnect
  26. Relog to Waiting Queue (pos. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Googolplex)
  27. After regaining mental coherence, take deep breath
  28. Apologize to people next door again
  29. Relog.
  30. Game seems to work perfectly.
  31. Fly to Thrallmar/HonorHold
  32. Accept first quest
  33. engage first outland questmob
  34. get oneshot by lvl 62 T3 rogue.
  35. —REDACTED—

If it’s that bad I won’t even be playing the game for at least a month then. I’ll continue my other gaming pursuits.

I haven’t see a lot of #NoChanger against the seals balance, pre-nerf content, some of them are even fine with nerfing the drums.

The biggest “fights” are around features that weren’t from TBC like the 58 boost/LFG/Transmog/Dual spec

We had the same wave of #ProChange few months before Classic who wanted : link Classic with retail/Transmog/LFG/Dual spec etc…
I’m pretty sure a big part of those players didn’t pass level 30, had a poor investissement in Classic or just run away as soon as SL was released. Now they are back to try again to change the game to their needs.


I lolled hard, thank you! :rofl:

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Only insane ppl want transmog in TBC. Like, this idea is so stupid that it can’t be meant seriously. I view it rather like trolling.
LFG tool wouldn’t be anything new, as you know. I understand it as different tool than we know from WOTLK, completely automated system. It’s more like improved LFG channel, so you still must find your tank/healer/dps by yourself than to click button, wait a bit and group is done.

Not every new realm is a fresh realm. In TBC and WOLTK they opened new realms but at the same time they offered free migrations to those new realms from already existing realms that were full and that is not a fresh realm. Fresh realm means no migration from other realms is allowed, at least for a few months.

If you want to play the game exactly as it was back in TBC you should not want “no drums modifications”. No drums modifications is a change because back them people didn’t raid with 20 Leatherworkers. I do not care if in theory people could had donde that, that does not change the fact that we didn’t in TBC, so we shouldn’t do it in Classic TBC, I want a real TBC realms as it was in practice back in 2007, not the theorical version of that realm that could have happened but didn’t.

It is the same mistake as the World Buff meta or AV rush or mage boost from Classic, those things didn’t exits in Vanilla, at least not in the same extreme as today, but thaks to #nochanges that didn’t want any change even nerf to those unauthentic metas we have to suffer this. The mere fact of having the realm as theorically was back them actually has bastly change the game, becuase it fomented a meta that could have exists but didn’t exits.

Authenticity > #nochanges’s changes


Yeah, by LFG i mean automated dungeon finder + cross realm. Not the LFG from TBC :slight_smile:

But it’s so weird. It’s like : players who want to play TBC with TBC features should be ashamed.

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