Don’t worry, soon there will be even more russian players on classic, because most of them can’t get TWW on their accounts
Based. Can you add Jagarde to the KOS for everyone in you all-Russia-premade discord?
To do what? LOL …
Little bro? Mate I have achieved more in pvp than you will ever will, so stop the bs. They exploit the game, how? That was my question cause how can I face a 10m premade team in bg’s? And no it’s not random, they are ALL from the same guild and they coördinate everything, even the cc’s. shut up if you have nothing to say instead of running your mouth based on nothing
CaN sOmEoNe ExPlAiN tO mE hOw GeRmAnS aRe pLaYiNg oN eU sErVeRs?
WhY aRe GeRmAnS oN Eu sErVeRs aNyWaY? ThEy lItErAlLy aRe sO tOxIc, tHeY eAt oNlY dOnEr KeBaBs - tHeY aRe aRaPs.
tHeY sTaRtEt 2 wOrLd WaRs - nEvEr fOrGettI
i dId 3 bGs tOdAy aNd iN AlL Of tHeMe tHeRe wErE DoNeR KePaPs
They queue at the same time to try to get a BG pop at the same time to enter the same battleground.
This has been around since the dawn of time and is not at all considered an exploit, so no, they’re well within their rights.
There is nothing in what Jacarde or you are saying that makes any sense in your ridiculous pseudo-crusade against the Russians.
Posts like yours have always existed, and it’s not now that you’ll get your way because it’s just still pure and simple discrimination.
But hey, since you’re such an experienced and skilled player, you should be aware of the existence of the QSyncing and similar posts to yours, right???
By the way, for someone who feels entitled to put down other players by claiming you’re much better than them in a context where no one cares, there’s a hint of toxicity in your words. It’s funny coming from someone who condemns toxicity, you sound just like Jacarte.
sounds like classic case of “Skill Issue”
same problem wart same problem cata i know suck so much hate russian premade so much not skill problem it problem all on discord abuse qeu
When you queue up with a group of 5 people, you get thrown into the same groups. This is how Blizzard protects ordinary players from premades.
You make an assumption that Russian-speaking players are sitting in Discord, cultivate this and pass it off as the truth. Of course, you cannot have any evidence of this. After that, you start justifying your inability to play, dragging the war theme into it. For some reason, no one wants to ban Jews, although they are constantly bombing women and children now. Maybe because they don’t have one dedicated server and they don’t destroy you in BG. Hypocrisy in its purest form. L2p.
Yes, you aren’t. Russian is not a race, it’s a nationality. Some people often use term Russian to all Russian language speakers be in citizen of CIS or EU alike, and doesn’t give a dime about where player is actually from. We don’t call everyone speaking English as their first or second language as Englishmen, aren’t we?
Players from Kazakhstan, Georgia, Ukraine and recently from Turkey as, well who can understand each other in Russian better than in English, desided to stay on single last realm with Russian localisation on it. There is also one PvE realm, but you would barely see anyone on it with less than 100 active characters playing there.
How can you understand that they are toxic? Do you know Russian? Again, they play on single largest realm left. As for single guild you mentioned, we do not have a lot of PvP guilds these days. Maybe like 300 people looked for BG from this guild and random 10 from it got in one you were in.
MoP is way better that Cata. Looking forward to beating challenge modes and raiding in Throne of Thunder that I missed due to long vacation in 2013.
Russian speaking players from EU (like me) pay in Euros, and some CIS countries residents are allowed to pay subs in their national currencies. Don’t see how your discriminative demands against them make your suscription a leverage of sort to demand “fixing” a game, probably by removing Russian speaking players from the game.
While I absolutely do not support this whole chauvinistic rhetoric, I agree that playing against premades is just not fun and Blizzard must implement additional measures to prevent this.
It actually is easy in my opinion. Do not put 5-man queued group into a 10-man or 15-man BG at all. Group of two is fine for 10-man battleground and that’s about it. Do not put people from the same server into the same side and not even two servers, make it three at least.
If Russians have a single server that’s alive, queue them with the rest of EU servers and don’t pretend that someone actually communicates in the random battlegrounds. And that probably makes sense for other languages, if they have similar issues.
we played together with other realms few times actually, echo of loud crying on every resource is still in the air lmao
I apologize in advance for my knowledge of English, but I couldn’t get past it.
I am a citizen of the Republic of Belarus.
A country that, like Russia, is under sanctions because of the damned war and we, like the residents of Russia, are not allowed to play the beloved game world of warcraft
I do not support Putin and the war in Ukraine, I have always been for peace!
In our country, many do not support what is happening in Ukraine but cannot do anything about it
People like me and my friends live in their own country as if it were a foreign country and it’s very sad, believe me
Just recently, The War Within expansion was released, which players from Belarus and Russia cannot play.
We can’t buy the add-on on our accounts due to blocking from Blizzard
In the current situation in the country and the world, the game has always been a place where I could find balance and peace
But unfortunately, due to the fact that everyone generalizes and equates me and many others with those people who support the war and Putin, we have lost this place
Please don’t stigmatize us all.
it’s very difficult for us now
Try harder. I’ve been beating “them Russians” consistently whenever people bring some effort instead of crying wolf.
Even if they are full pre-made, which I doubt, who cares? Premade whining is pathetic and defeatist. Why try to shoot down your challenger when you can rise up to the challenge yourself?
Skill issue, or try TWW, I heard the comp stomp mode is pretty popular.
I don’t mean to get political, but sanctions preventing people from enjoying leisure activities, when perhaps they are most needed, is garbage, I had no idea.
My favorite game is sorely missed
My friends and I are very sad that The War Within is not available to us(
That sucks dude
Can you not use VPN to play TWW, like people do for TV subscriptions in other countries for example? Never used this myself so no idea if that would work.
Unfortunately, it’s impossible. Blizzard has disabled the ability to purchase for accounts from Belarus and Russia(
VPN won’t help…
You can only activate a key from the physical collector’s edition of The War Within onto your account.
But they don’t deliver it to us and it costs a lot
One of my friends who had extra money was able to buy such a key and now plays
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