Fun Fact: Forum user counts

That’s not a clickable link though, just wrapping it preform.

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It’s a simple copy paste format any one can use.

Most browsers even allow you to highlight and right click so you can go to.

but it’s exactly the proof of how unreasonable this is :smiley:

Is the criteria for posting actual links a post praising Azerite gear or something?

How is it unreasonable when that’s all you’ve been able to do in the past?


If the criteria was praising blizzard most of us with trust level 3 would have it removed. Regular forum participation is how you gain levels.

You can read the faq that is pinned on what the requirements are.

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it’s unreasonable to prevent players to make a clickable link and force them to make an unclickable one or a broken one instead. what is the point of this prevention?

Fatum, Orlen: you do realise you could get TL3 with about as much grind as a full LFR through Uldir? (or, considering LFR G’huun, maybe rather less :stuck_out_tongue: ) ?

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I don’t think it’s a perfect system but it does discourage the forums being filled with needless spam.

  • Read 20,000 Posts created in the last 100 Days

welp…I’m not getting that any time

I thought I would struggle with the liked posts more than this part xd

i’m already TL 3 but still think that it’s pointless to bind an ability to post a clickable it to that level :slight_smile:

Bah come on that implies actual effort in LFR compared to the actual requirements of trust level 3 :slight_smile:

You don’t have to actually read them. :stuck_out_tongue:

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note…posts skimmed over by me apparently is at 6.7k…what have I been doing with my life…

Sorry, I thought it was 1K threads.

Remember, these are not Blizzard’s rules. They are Discord’s rules. Blizzard just ticked the defaults and said “yeah, ok”. Like we all do eith EULAs :stuck_out_tongue:

true, but 20k/100days is a bit too strict in my opinion.

edit: actually it’s 50 days only for visiting the last 100 days is for the 20k post created only.

how does one even see what trust level one is at?

check “trust” in the text. the highest level shows your level. it’s “2” in your case.

Appreciate that…

Though I must say that is a rather mental way of finding out what trust level you are at…

You only have to see how many posts the average topic/discussion includes. You’d be surprised how many you read in a very short space of time. You can see a fair amount of that on your profile if it’s enabled.

6.7k posts read when I looked just now, so you are well on your way.