yeah, i used to play a game called Robocraft back in the day…
the whole concept was you made ur vehicle and battled with it … was a very fun pvp game…
would work very well in wow imo.
yeah, i used to play a game called Robocraft back in the day…
the whole concept was you made ur vehicle and battled with it … was a very fun pvp game…
would work very well in wow imo.
Yeah I think they look at everything and assume it needs to have a purpose linked to gameplay. Anything that slips towards the realm of fun or roleplay seems to get slapped down, like toys having their use limited or cooldowns extended. They need to chill and just let some things be exactly what they were designed to be… fun
But that would mean making content for the non ‘big 3’ players (lordy, im starting to sound like a certain hunter lol).
Seriously though, that would be an amazing opportunity to do something like Darkmoon Faire, with various events that involve the whole community.
the concept is kind of already there …
with the tonka toys battle things…
use that code… but combine it with the crafting from creating necrolord pets… or crafting mounts…
and then let the players actually ride them … and give the parts stats like gear… so u can upgrade them…
Touching on what Ozric said about boat racing (yes, i love that idea!!) , it would be a great way to make some of the zones relevant again - Thousand Needles would be a good one, have them spread out around all the water zones or even round the coasts
i think we could see more mount related challenges in DF now that the flying has been revamped to a better model
i hope they keep running with that idea as the potential to add many fun things relating to it is kind of endless.
oh yeah, I totally understand your point too.
But I feel addressing the distinct lack of class/race fantasy is more of an issue in that regard than someone riding a flying horse, player housing too.
I can’t express how weird it feels coming back from playing FFXIV and my guild doesn’t have any where to get together and chat?
but I’ll stop myself before I get ahead of myself lol, those topics are for a different thread.
prob been linked before… but the flyign they are using if it is exactly like gw2… can lead to some crazy skill based games.
i agree here, some of my most fond memories in ff14…
was chilling at the guild mansion with my friends chatting and working on the airship.
from the mansion workshop
EDIT: i never owned my own house personally… but my friend let me live in his basement… he came and fed me occasionally and i paid rent by crafting items lol.
Completely agree
The guild I was in on FF14 had a monthly dice roll competition to empty their guild bank and give cosmetics/mounts to whoever got the highest roll in their guild mansion. That was my fondest memory there.
WoW could definitely start making Azeroth feel more like a world with social systems and player housing like you said!
was the same in Gw2…getting the guild together and working on the guild town and unlocking all the extra bits and bobs… as a team…
was some of the best content i played…
wow misses this kind of content completely.
wow feels more like a single player adventure game in comparison these days.
This might be a huge huff of hopium but it does look like they’re trying to go down that route. With the addition of dragonflight races & customisable mounts I’m really hoping that they’re not always going to focus on overtuning raids and will add things to do in the ̶r̶e̶a̶l̶ world that feel rewarding and fun
Edit: Need to remember that WoW isn’t real life
Reminds me of the penguin race near Boralus I love racing and stuff like that so yus.
Well, this thread ended up going off on an interesting and unexpected tangent.
I would partake of this, and think it is a really good idea.
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