I stumbled across this suggestion today:
I never knew that I wanted such a thing until I saw it. Now I must have it, especially if it can fly. I’d also love something like the Hand of Fate from BFA.
Does anyone else have fun or wacky ideas for mounts?
When I play a Gnome I sometimes feel like it would be fun to “ride” a Tauren
Well, they are cheapskates, reusing models all the time so… Mimiron’s Head with the face of Ion Hazzikostas instead?
I mean, it’s already close enough 
Honestly I really wish they’d embrace the potential silliness of mounts.
I also think ALL mounts should fly, no matter how silly it may look, especially in Dragonflight ground mounts serve no purpose really.
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I love that minecart, really awesome idea!
My one suggestion would be to stick incredibly unsafe rockets on the sides for propulsion!
Would be an awesome idea.
Although while I am not really an “anti-shop mount”…I still would rather welcome them NOT being behind a paywall.
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God, no. Please no. I hated this about FF14. Blizz please never do this.
I love it about FFXIV.
What I hate about Wow is my Rivendare’s deathcharger serves no purpose, because where would I currently ever need a ground mount except oribos and the maw, two places I do my best to avoid?
it doesn’t even matter bruh
I’ve always loved the immersion aspect of WoW/MMOs and I always thought seeing polar bears or yetis flying through the air made it feel a bit lacklustre. I see your point though 
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I never understood why they didn’t add a boat mount. Something that could carry maybe 3 or more people like the mammoth mount. Sure it would be limited to water, just like the raft, but just think of the fun.
Fishing trips with your buddies, Pvping with boats, races and you could even make the sails guild or faction customizeable
they did add a boat mount it was kind of controversial at the time as it was a store mount for 6 months sub during BFA iirc.
was not multi seated though.
people were making a fuss about ti because it could fly… but it sank in water.
Yeah but that one’s a bit cack in all honesty. It’s just another flying mount.
I was thinking along the lines of an actual boat you can fish from and chill on. Not everything needs a purpose. sometimes it’s just about enjoying the game world around you.
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i think battle mounts could be fun …
a new form of pvp where u make and customise your mounts to fight in the open world or in arena.
That would definatley be something cool. Like the Dwarven tanks. Customizeable or upgradeable
i think everything is in place for it too … now … especially with DF and mount abilities etc…
just need to take it one step further.
That would be a hella lot of fun, but we all know what Blizzard thinks of fun - its on their internal list of banned words, like loads of words on here…