Fun to gear a new character is below zero

so that still makes honor gear useless.
basically you yolo in 3s until you meet other bobs that got green gear so you can sometimes get some conquest.

i mean sure you can gear but it still means it is absolutely 0 fun. and the point of this game should be having fun, no?

if the power gap would be smaller, people still could have fun farming gear. joining a bg with ilvl 170 just means our team is 1 man down because i do negative dmg and take triple dmg. The defensive and offensive part double dips with ilvl and makes your whole existance so pointless.

Even my shaman has 227 ilvl in pvp with old conquest gear and it feels so useless than the enemy has ilvl 250. i absolutely do no dmg at all and die from every fart. 33% vers lol.
when i play this hunter, i cut through everything in bgs like butter and can survive a lot the difference is like night and day. sure it isnt helping that enhance is complete trash but whatever

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