Funny you ask for Shaman nerfs when Boomy exists

Their about the same, both can break free of any root although boomy can do this better.

Both can crit you for good damage from 45 yards away (oh wait only Druid can)

Both have side heals they can use.

I don’t understand the issue here? Shamans have been bottom tier for eons, yet when suddenly they do well, people are upset. I’m sorry but no?

Please explain, someone that actually pvps, why shamans are OP.

(If you got dumpstered by one, it sounds like a skill issue) I can think of several that shut down a shaman 1v1 and in group content yes if you let them free cast it can be bad but, don’t let them? Same as mage, boomy, lock with chaos.


If you don’t see a problem,i suggest you to roll alliance and you will find out


Here inbefore “skill issue”

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I’m not surprised a horde player don’t see an issue with shamans. They boosting your winrate by 50% so you can safely put your dots behind them on chill.


I Fight a boomkind ANY day off the week over Shaman.
i play a warrior the weekest class in PVP hands down, i can outplay a balance druid, here i have a chance, when i meet a priest or warlock i allway die, but normal i take them down with me, SHAMAN im not even getting a hit in befor im looking at a gray screen.

SHAMANS need a really hard Nerfs! there way way way to powerfull, compere to othere classes, seen premades of 3-4 shamans and a priest in BG’s steamrolling wins, is a sad joke at this point.
I know i play a Warrior the weekest class in pvp, we need a buff to, with out my cds and trinket i loss 1v1 to allmost every class in simular or even worse gear.


I play a boomkin and elemental shaman. Two classes and specs I had decided before SOD was released, before runes revealed etc. I also always play horde and not due to racials. I do so in every game where there is an option.

I can give my shaman perspective. I played elemental in the original classic and also the rerelease. I did because even with limited spells the burst was fun. Elemental mastery (2 min 100% crit ability) + chain + shock would be really good. I was very surprised they added lava burst with the fire shock crit combo. They took already great burst and made it sick. It’s so good the old bread and butter burst is no longer really needed. And then they added overload on top of that.

While historically Ele shaman were all about burst it’s now too controlled and too constant. I can freely admit that. I think if the devs look at how shaman are played now they would see they made lightning bolt and chain lightning really take a backseat to lava burst. That shift and how lava burst crit work is causing most of the shaman issues people complain about.

As for me I spent the last week leveling a shadow priest on Lone Wolf and just hit 50 and ranked up to 5 for this reset. It’s been interesting fighting shaman. As for boomies they are also bursty, but less of a problem, in my mind.

If you don’t have the answer to that question you either play shaman or don’t PvP at all. Anyway remove the blinders and face it : shamans need to be nerfed.

Funny story : I was LM in AB with a feral and an elem sham pops. We open him and thrash him without letting him cast. The only thing the dude did was instant flame shock on me and riptide/backpedal. He died in maybe 15 sec.
I then took a look at me life : half HP, I look at the feral, same. I’m like, hell this guy didn’t do anything at all how did I loose so much life ?
We both took around 2k damage from the lightning shield and another 500 from fire shock. The guy did absolutely nothing, he wasn’t a particularly good player, but had he been able to live another 15 sec, he would have been able to kill any class that doesn’t have heals.
The amount of overtuned free passive shamans have on top of very powerful, low CD spells both as elem or enh is just massive. Add to that an orc race with 25% resist stuns. You can’t see it ? Then sorry but you’re a bad player being carried by your class.

P.S: That doesn’t mean other classes don’t need a tuning as well.


I play an Elemental and a Boomie. The burst on a Shaman is really good if you can open the fight. If a lock jumps you with a coil into fear you’re dead, If a Mage opens with bomb and flame, blinks away from you, you are dead before you reach the mage, even if you bait the CS and try to heal. If a hunter gets the range opener you die to aimed and another hit or two. Shadow priest wins what ever you do, they are unkillable. Rogue opens on you and you are dead. Paladin kill you before HoJ ends. Boomies die though, ferals too.
PvP-trinket does wonders for the classes that has powerful CC setups though. I don’t have engineering though, and having that greatly improves your chance of a win.

However, in a group fight… boy oh boy does the shaman shine. Flame shock 5 targets and insta cast Lavaburst for days. Nova and relocate totems to the enemies, chain Lightning. Tremor and earthbind weaving.

Boomie is just a troll class/spec combo. Run and gun. All classes hate you really, but I don’t find it as fun as shaman though.

I don’t think shaman need a nerf, all DMG need to be toned down in PvP. Yes, 50% was too much. But like -30% DMG and -15% heal seems like a good compromise. Tanks with defensive builds were unkillable walls with 50% redux. Bears popping instinct and barkskin…yay…

See this I can agree to, people are saying “Play alliance”

I don’t need to play alliance when I see 5 hunters in one match. There’s multiple classes doing very well atm, just because yours isn’t doesn’t mean shaman is godtier. Is it better than warrior? Yes yes it is.

Is it far better than shadow priest gunning everyone down in BGs? I would say it’s about the same, the guy here said it best, if you leave a hunter/priest/boomy to their thing it’s gonna hurt. I would say shamans can be shut down 1v1 easily by rogues, shadow priests, lock especially, Hunter, the list goes on.

Only reason alliance is complaining is because paladin got shafted this phase and they are upset.

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just because yours isn’t doesn’t mean shaman is godtier.

Yes yes it is, Godtier burst, godtier mobility, godtier kyting, godtier suvivability, and yes it can play and orc, so EXTREAMLY resiliance to caunterplay.
so if it not godtier, it above it!!!

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did you really compare both class crits while sham crit 100% ?
and you really compare their healing while sham flash heal and instant heal is 2-3times better than a garbage healing touch ?

has to be a troll.

I’m suddenly trolling because a boomy can crit multiple times just as hard?

Boomy has so many escapes and has much larger range than shaman.

Boomies are in a solid spot same as shaman, yes they’re doing well, they’re not godtier as people keep saying though. Group content they shine like other classes do, you think Hunter frost trap is fine with infinite roots too?

Healing for shaman can be tuned.

? Why are we not comparing shamans with paladins?

5 pinks on alliance side and you can leave.
5 pinks on horde side and you already won.

That’s how the balance is.


Because ret is being garbage for 2 phases in a row.

Rogues vs orc shamans ? You are trolling right now right ? Haha!

There is ‘doing well’ and then there is ‘absolutely broken’ and isn’t it a little bit strange that almost everyone is saying the same thing? or are the vast majority completely wrong? I think not.

If anyone believes Shamans in PvP are just ‘doing well’ then you are a bit special - or more accurately, very very ‘special.’


There is multiple specs that are broken in PvP not just Shamans. Whichever you despise the most will depend on what you play.

As a destro lock I loathe spriests - 2 instant DoTs and blanket silence its pretty much over.

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You can’t face 5 shamans in one match. But alliance can face 5 hunters PLUS 5 shamans PLUS 5 priests etc.

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In my experience especially in battlegrounds, shamans take the front line just behind there hunters traps place totems to slow even more. And dispell all posions etc from themselves and litterally just stop the alliance from advancing apart from the odd paladin who can bubble and pressure and healer but never actually able to kill anyone

Edit: the games i did win or come close to winning as alliance i had to sit back in group fights and cleanse everyone to stop the damage but as a ret paladin is only viable for a minute it two till you run out of mana and shamans can do it a lot while getting mana back and instant heals

Only games I have won on alli side have been random match’s with maybe 2 shamans and one healer for horde

19 out of 20 games for alli side is facing 3x5 pre mades groups with healers and shamans

When playing horde its basically free honor every game, its like night and day

Both are terrible to play, unless your a psychopath

ALLI can only compete when its solo queue vs solo queue which is very rare for horde to do and there are limited shamans

Horde it’s just a poinltess farming session almost every match, semi afk solo players who have given up on pvp long ago and just going through the motions.

It’s great if you enjoy zero challenge matchs and you count any win as a win

but farming solo players and afkers isnt much fun to me tbh

Alli side has given up on pvp, dont blame em, there’s usually a few that try their best but its a pointless excercise sadly

Might as well be playing vs bots at this point

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