Furbolg form

So i just logged into my rogue which was my original character which i havent played for ages.
I used to carry a wand from an old quest which transformed me into a furbolg, but now it is gone from my inventory without a trace!?

This is not okay. wtf blizzard

Hey there Dondomingo,

Sounds like you might be thinking of Dartol’s Rod of Transformation, which can be lost if you accidentally turn in the quest, or if you performed a gear update on the character.

Unfortunately, being no longer obtainable in-game, there is no way to replace it if lost.


That is so unfair how would i ever have known that doing the gear update which blizzard litteraly recommends returning players would cost my my most valuable item i have ever obtained. Everything else in my inventory is still there, useless as it may be. but the one thing ive clinged on to my entire life has now been taken from me…

That is just straight up cruel

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Can you not go through item restoration?

And to say it doesn’t exist in game, neither does the Argent Dawn tabard but the transmog still shows so there should be no reason whatsoever a GM cant restore this item.

Someone with some common sense and compassion in the Bliz team should see the OP followed a recommendation and was punished for doing so and unjustly

I hope you get it restored fella and they should make sure this sort of thing never happens again

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Except for the fact that management have banned them from giving items out to players. But I guess if you agree to pay the GM the equivalent of 2 years salary to cover the time it’d take to find another job when he gets fired, then he might do it.

I don’t understand why some players think that a GM should just “do whatever a player wants them to do”.

Dude come on. Its not a big deal, plus we got an upgraded version of it.

You can’t restore quest items with the restoration service.

i guess its a subjective matter…
to me its definetly a big deal as its something ive held on to for like 10 years or even longer…
I definetly feel punished for my years of commitement, let alone subscription…

But please elaborate

I think you are entirely correct.
And your item should be restored.
Im trying to imply that they probably wont do it, plus theres an item that works just the same way but an upgraded version of it.

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