Fury is being punished. We need a big buff!
Choosing the Season 2 set was a big mistake. I don’t even know what people thought…
But 4 weeks have passed and there is a big class problem. Character can’t dps! It’s impossible to find a seat at parties with all the other alternative classes. I’ve been signing for hours… Even my own community has turned its back. I don’t judge them, they are free to choose if there is a better alternative. It’s game management that needs to create a balance here.
Warrior can not get invited
Choosing that tier set wasn’t any kind of mistake… Seems like u think only about power level of tier not how it feels like or how it plays like … S2 set is way better and complex than s3 even when someone argue that S2 is raging blow spam that only half truth… But that s3 is completely gutted and dum that cuts out more spells from usage that’s completely true… And s2 is way logical then S3 where your spender actualy does DMG not your filler liker s3 does… So only relevant complains are about spec tunning cause fury itself is not strong so they should definitely push more power to spender.
Yes, we think about power level, because without power, fury warriors can’t get into any content without being carried.
I agree about the “Damage should come from the spender, not the builder”, but right now, damage doesn’t really come from anywhere (Not enough of it, at any rate), which is even worse.
And the set also needs a major buff, buffing the spec so we succeed in spite of our tier “bonus” isn’t good game design.
but thats problem of balance team do you understand that ? they promised they will tune tiers for current state of spec so dont blame tier itself blame team behind thats lacking to follow promises. Tier is supergood mechanicaly u always have something so blame balance teams cause if u look right now what SP doin with other casters and times are repeating again from half S2 and they literaly did nothing… im gonna throw out how pathetic this is … absolutely dominance and unabalnce tank state absolutely super OP shadow priest… absolutely super OP destro wl… yes there are conditions to make them work like that but with combination VDH … jezus this is problem whole game balance not just our spec and time is ticking and we may have other broken season comming…
I do understand it, but the balance team’s performance has been rather unimpressive of late, with pretty much every bit of content added suffering from sort of ludicrous balancing issues (Not to mention being spread thin over several ways to play WoW, we have Retail, SoD, Classic Cata soon, MoP remix…), which should be fixed (Eventually), but should have been tested and fixed before going live, so i do believe that my optimism faded a bit.
Is the problem with the balance team? Or I don’t know if this is part of the warrior development team. I don’t know who is the decision maker of the company. I’m not part of this team, I cannot speak on their behalf.
I’m a monthly sub player who wants to have fun. I don’t care if other classes are better. Only Fury is very weak, causing long waiting times in the game.
I’m definitely not accepted to +14 keys, even though I made them all +13 (in time).
I think the company has all the data sets. I’m no longer debating which season set was chosen. I just want to see this, the Fury class should be given the necessary dps buff!
Lower keys aren’t a problem its more then 12’s and above. Warriors don’t have any utility and the DPS is capped at 5 targets so while everyone else is doing 1.5-2 mil dmg a fury warrior will only be doing 1.1 mil on a large pull. I also agree with the comment in the video nobody does give AF about battle shout or rallying cry so DPS warriors should have BL to make them more viable in M+
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