Fury is very bad in pvp atm

didnt try arms yet but furry sucks bigtime, i am constant slowed my survival is very low i feel like wearing cloths and my dmg is medicore at best.

Overall its a bad experience and the class-spec is dead.

You do realize you need to do something, right?


Arms is in worse state plz.


I played 8 rounds solo shuffle as fury and reached 2030cr. Same as arms.


Arms and fury are currently the most played melee specs in shuffle.

Warri is in pretty good state, its broken.

If your current gear is the same you play pvp with - you dont use pvp gear and so you are 30ilvl behind. Your stats are wrong. No enchants, no sockets, no pvp trinket bonus.


See the link above for bis gear, stats and spec.

Warri is more than fine. Both specs.


For extra faceroll use the pve ring with three dmg proc gems as fury.

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SS is by far the easiest way to grind rating as Warrior, but yes indeed. Once you meet people with a bit of a brain, it become a completely different fight…


Its a little more extreme right now than it has been in the past, at least in my opinion. Certainly without a healer in serious pvp is a nightmare especially given the amount of CC in the game right now, your pvp trinket has never been worth more IMO.


No offense, but sounds like a skill issue, Fury is pretty good atm, they do insane substain and burst. Yes, you can be kited, but you can also outplay that

I experience the same issues as other people.
My survivability pretty much sucks.
Since you know how to out play that, then let us know how you will outplay constantly being kited. If you cant get within melee range, you cant really do much.
Once I have used the trinket, I´m pretty much a free kill for all that can keep the distance.
All classes have several ways of CC, so all players with just basic knowledge knows how to CC a person.
our stuns, Storm Bolt and Shockwave are very short, so It´s not like we can kill a player in that short amount of time.
So I am looking forward to hear, how you deal with CC and being rooted and slowed down all the time.