Fury tier set 10.1 PTR

What do you think bout furys new tier set since blizz decided to nerf it. Was about to test it on PTR and now u gotta use 10x rampages in a row to get max stacks on Bloodthrst.
Even if rampage on its 4 hits gets 2 or 3 hits with crit it wont stack more only 1 stack per use lol…

Was good at 100% BT crit per rampage. Now is boring 25% damage per rampage too low for weak BT damage. If they nerf crit to 10% per rampage, than they should buff BT damage to 100-150% per rampage.
Now set is bad. Now it is just addition to Raging blow rotation.
Hate Raging blow spam.

Currently, as stated by theorycrafter Archimtiros:

  • Fury 4p Tier Rework
    Still a solid bonus, just not really much fun anymore.

  • Overall ~14% increase in single target (+7% from 2p, +7% from 4p) and ~15% in multitarget, which is about “average” though a huge gain over Season 1’s +4-6%.

Problem is the fun factor getting slapped to the ground in the name of balance. The tier set is well balanced, but to stop it from being overpowered the funfactor is getting reduced to a moot point. We all want the more exciting multiproc gameplay, yet that would be too swingy for blizzard.

Do remember that Odyn’s Fury got slapped to the ground in the name of balance. Then Juggernaught (or Ashen Juggernaught as it is now known) got slapped to the ground.

Both are “balanced” options in the theorycrafters heads and probably in the devs minds as well. Yet, having juggernaught only go to 50% for some arbitary reason or OF doing less than anything on ST is unfun. Especially since the button on its own is really bad, it is only good with TT avatar synergy.

Game is sadly not about having fun.

So in the end, my thoughts: The tierset looks like it will be giving us good performance numbers. Boring as f, compared to what it could’ve been.

But we are talking blizzard here. Fun is not allowed. Fun will be detected.

Who cares about fun? The most important factor is our dps is one of the best in 10.1.

Bro you must be playing another game bc fun = big numbers. It wasnt even broken and others clases where even doing more dps so whats the whole point on nerfing something is not even over performing. Why do you want the warrior to be and underdog and not a competitive class i dont get the point.


I actually argue the opposite, I argue for the pre-nerf tierset as a better design and more fun. It was broken - yet functionally it was a ton more fun. I argue for that juggernaught should’ve stayed at a 99 stack cap vs the 15 it at now. I argue for OF doing more damage. Bigger numbers is bigger fun, in these cases.

I argue more for bigger numbers than smaller, really. On the cost of balance and gain of fun. Though it is not the main point I am trying to get accross.

The strawman that is trying to say “warrior should be be the underdog” does not exsist at all in my statement. I never said anything close to that. You could perhaps think that the dev and theorycrafters would want that, but even then that is not the case - they want true balance.

If you re-read what I wrote maybe you will get the idea. Perhaps you are seeing something I do not. So I will make it crystal clear: The new tier set is more balanced, yet I think it is less fun than the version before it. I dont like that. That is my point.

Ok i get u now.

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