Hi, I’ve been playing since TBC, have been a GM and a RL of a raiding guild clearing all current content over the years, I took time off for 5/6 years and came back mid Legion.
Since then I play quite a bit but nothing I would consider too serious.
I haven’t raided loads recently but think I’ll change this for SL.
I’m looking for an English speaking guild that will raid 2-3 nights per week aiming to progress. In return you’ll get a no nonsence player who will turn up regularly and be reliable. I’m a dad of 4, own a business and this is my time to escape all that for a bit every week!
My warrior will always strive to be as good as possible and I’m open to having one alt I put time into as well, class tbc.
I’m also into Mythic plus and will do this alot during the day or when no raids scheduled.