Fury Warrior Enrage Changes - A Working Dad's perspective Perspectiv (TWW)

Hi everyone,

Firstly, apologies for not providing a more detailed post. As a working dad, my time is limited, but I share a deep love and ambition for the warrior class. With the next expansion closing in and potential room for changes, I wanted to express my concerns about the upcoming adjustments to the Fury Warrior. Playing the beta, I don’t feel any significant improvements compared to some other classes.

Current State of Enrage

Upon reviewing the playstyle, I realized how dull Enrage currently is. Its uptime is nearly 90%, which makes me question its significance. What makes Enrage so enraged that it stands out? Is Enrage outdated? Can you still call it a buff if you almost always have it active?

Proposed Concept for Enrage

To make Enrage more exciting and meaningful, I suggest the following idea:

While Enraged, in addition to increased haste, various skills would gain secondary effects:

  • Bloodthirst: Adds a bleed effect.
  • Raging Blow: Extends the duration of Enrage.
  • Rampage: Increases a specific stat buff(strength, haste, crit).
  • Execute: Deals more critical hit damage.
  • Whirlwind: Hits a second time for % damage.
  • Slam: Increases your movement speed.

Benefits of the Change

With this change, Enrage uptime should be lowered, but the times when Enrage is active would feel truly powerful and distinct. This would make Enrage stand out as a meaningful and exciting state.

Additional Ideas for Secondary Effects

To further enhance the playstyle, secondary effects could be implemented in the talent tree, allowing for drastic changes. Here are some examples:

  • Bloodthirst: Shorter cooldown (but deals less damage).
  • Raging Blow: Generate double the rage.
  • Rampage: Applies an armor debuff to the target.
  • Execute: Chance to reset itself.
  • Whirlwind: Increased range.
  • Slam: Reduces damage taken.

These are just a few ideas to build on. They might not be perfect, but there’s potential to work with.

What Do You Think?

What would make you the most excited during the Enrage duration? I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas on how to make Enrage truly stand out.

A Fellow Fury Warrior Enthusiast



First thing first, great post and some neat ideas. Though, I am left a bit confuzzled and not quite sure about what you are really going for in here?

What got me confused by your post is; the problem you present (as I understand it) is:

  • Enrage feels dull, because:
  • Enrage uptime is too high (nearly 90%)
  • High uptime is problematic, as it makes the buff trivial feeling
  • Question its ‘buff status’, as it is almost always active

Then in your fix suggestion to the problem:

  • To give enrage an additional component as an addition;
  • To give enrage a passive modifier buff effect for all the abilities

This was then stated to be a fix so to allow for lower enrage uptime, but at the same time make it more powerful. Yet, you haven’t addressed the uptime of enrage, the problem, you only added more functional balance points to it. Guess I am confused as you didn’t address the problem, but just added more into the pile. Not the solution to what you percieve as the problem.

It seems to me that you want enrage and perhaps fury, to have more bells and whistle effects. More flare and cool things happening. Personally, I think this would be a bit much. I don’t see much gained in rampage not only granting you enrage itself, but also more mainstat on top. You would weaken other enrage generators and push rampage as a starter for any rotational DPS burst - something I am not much a fan of. I enjoy simplicity of example, pressing Odyn’s Fury to enrage and get my MC stacks, then simply Bladestorm. Instead of here having to Rampage, then doing OF, for the strength modifier. These kind of interactions really pile ontop of each other, and become a mountain fast.

It must be said, I do kind of like the current enrage system for Fury Warrior. It might feel a bit high on live, and perhaps a bit high on beta at the moment. Still, the functionality of how it interacts with our stats and scaling over the expansion is quite enjoyable. As more haste, means faster rampages, that equals more enrage uptime. More enrage uptime, means more value from our mastery. It kinda synergies quite elegantly. It is what little that remains of “warrior scales with gear” argument we got left. Then we got the question of “how much uptime is required to make it worth” overall, in a flat damage profile. Then how much of an impact it will have in our bursty profile. Not to mention, high uptime of enrage is just a sign of correct play. The reward for doing our DPS rotational loop without too many mistakes. Its quite rewarding. I like it.

Another point is, if your goal is to reduce the uptime of Enrage, but increase the power in that window, I am not sure if that is healthy for the fast paced part of the Fury fantasy. I am more in the camp of fast and bursty myself. But I would be careful to not push too far into windowed DPS as Fury, as the most popular form of fury is the fast and furious one. Don’t want to hurt the many for us few.

Enrage currently is quite unique as masteries with effects go in WoW, and quite powerful one too boot. Not to mention, slowing it down - well - simply put, cutting down enrage uptime would potentialy make Fury feel bad for longer and make it more prominent. When we start out an expansion, and uptime is lower, things are slower - gameplay feels sluggish and not ‘Fury’, if you get me. To extend the room where it feels like this and make it more felt; I would avoid that. It simply isn’t fun. We rush haste early to get out of this feeling after all :dracthyr_nod:

Fury is currently quite fun, and on beta it is even more fun. So while I am not 100% against radical change. I actually rather see Fury remain more or less ‘as is’, and just enjoy the good times we got coming with TWW polish and Hero Talents!

My final thoughts would be that you kind of overcooked it a bit. While the interaction you describe could be interesting. It is something I rather see in a CD (like RA) to make recklessness more impactful, than seeing it affect our whole kit. Enrage is already core. Perhaps we get more enjoyable experiences from expanding upon other parts that are more lacking in the bells/whistles department?

I wish you a great day though, to you and your family, and an even better coming week!

The risk of adding all those benefits to Enrage while reducing its uptime is that the rotation becomes too much of “Wait for Enrage while doing only what’s necessary to get the Enrage buff, then unload everything, repeat.”, and the appeal of Fury spec (To me, anyway) is that i can just go ham without annoying buff-tracking.

Also, the very concept of Fury-spec is that we’re raging berserkers, we’re always angry, “You’re always angry, but not Enraged” doesn’t quite make sense in that regard.

Thank you for your kind words and well-written reaction. I will try to enlighten myself.

Your description of why I find Enrage dull and my suggestion on how to improve it is on point. Well done on this. And I guess you are right—I did not address the uptime of Enrage and only added more functional points, mostly in power. The problem from my perspective lies not completely with the uptime but with the flavor it brings. I recommend something new to make it more spicy. Therefore, it’s reasonable to consider reducing the uptime so we can notice when the spice hits.

Nor is it healthy to have Enrage uptime too high. Did you know you blink 14-17 times per minute? That is crazy, yet that downtime goes unnoticed. Something in between could be the answer.

Like you and many others, what attracts me to the class is its simplicity, and I do not wish to stray far from this. I understand that many factors play a role, and I certainly have not considered everything that goes on under the hood. But with the right tuning and adjustments, this could be something.

My point would be to make Enrage more interesting. Perhaps the answer is not with power; I don’t know. Maybe with the right tuning and adjustments, it could be. I share the same fantasy for Fury to be fast-paced and truly dislike a DPS window. That is why I distance myself from Arms, with all respect to my fellow warrior brethren.

Perhaps this could be a cooldown or go on par with Recklessness instead. Nonetheless, a concept that could be considered.

Totally agree with the vision. However, how can you tell if you are Enraged or just Angry? From my perspective, I would understand Enraged (enhanced) abilities because we have certainly passed Angry. Of course a flat damage increase is possible however this way it’s more interesting

How would you describe and distinguish Angry and Enraged from each other? How could you see this reflected in a Fury warrior? Please share your thoughts.

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