Fury Warrior Need Talent Change

Fury Warrior Talent Delete;

S.m.f. Delete (Titan’s grip should be passive like the flu)

New Skill: Wild Strike ( warlords of draenor version)
Wild Strike (45 rage): A quick stiker white your off-hand weapon thats deals ‘****’ Physcial damage and reduces effectiveness of healing on the target for 10 sec. Bloodthirts has a %20 change of granting 2 charges of wild strike that cost no rage.

Wild Strike Globas cooldown 0.75 sec. ( old version very fast)

New Furios Strikes : Wild Strike cost 25 less rage or Off-hand damage %+++

New Slaughtering Strike : (will stay the same) and as an extra ; wild strikes next 2 attacks damage done % 30

New Frenzy : (will stay the same) and as an extra ; wild strike crit damage % 5 for 12 sec. and stack 3.

New Unbridled Ferocity : Rampage , Wild Strike and Onslaught have a %20 chance to grant Recklessness for 4 sec.

In this way, anyone can apply their own rotation and there is no need to depend on the rampage.

While collecting rage with other skills, it can consume rage quickly and effectively (0.75 global cooldown) with wild strike.


With this feature, people can shape their own style of play without being tied to Rampage.

And last ,

Execute need Buff for fury warrior…

So the goal here is to make an ability, a ragedump like rampage, that has half/a fourth of the cost and a chance to be freecast. So in reality - you will have wildstrikes only to get the free procs after BTing and spending the rage on Rampages?

  • If casting wildstrikes is more rage/global to damage efficent than rampage, why would anyone play rampage?

So damage got to be lower per point of rage spent. As Wild Strikes cost 20 rage, that means one wildstrike can max be 19% of a Rampage, or more preferably 15%. If it is to be more efficent, then it must be balanced around doing more damage than other combos, like Ramp into RB per global cost. As you want Wild Strikes to have half the normal GCD. 4 strikes would have to do the same damage as Rampage and a Raging Blow / Execute in that same space of time. That would in turn make Wild Strikes silly levels of strong when combined with Rampage.

For numbers, if Wild Strike does 15% of a Rampage, rampage does 19k then WS would do 3k. Or 6k inside a global window. Bloodthirst does 9k and Raging blow does 14k. So that doesn’t work. If you bump wild strikes to be better than raging blow, so 8k per cast, 16k for a global. It now does 32k (400 rpd) vs Rampage 19k (240 rpd). That means every lucky BT proc will efficently get you 200 rpd or a rampage worth free value, not including reck. Keep in mind, you would not press WS if RB does more damage at the cost of a global. If your ragedump is not more efficent than the RB - then you get back into the Rampage Crushing Blow situation, where you did not press Rampage as long you could press Crushing Blow. Noone seemingly enjoyed that. At all. Your case would be, you do not press WS as long RB is online, if that is the case, you would not have the globals to press WS, so you must powerdump rage into Rampage instead (that also grants RB stacks).

Problem is:

  • If Ramp does more damage than WS got as value, then you don’t play WS.
  • If WS is close to Ramp in value, then you play both.
  • If Ramp is too far behind WS then you don’t play Rampage ever.

It is on top of all that also linked to the CSHB playstyle I guess. That is why you included the bonus crit damage, so to synergise with a crit heavy playstyle and have it tied to BT casts.

In addition, your point here is to increase recklessness uptime even further by having the two wildstrike procs grant reck chances too on top of the rampage itself. So the proc value is off the charts.

Either you break rampage as an ability or you just purely make fury RNG heavy with a RNG proc to get two casts of an ability that RNG gives you reck. 20% of the time, you get two casts with 20% chance for proc, that you got to weave inside an already stuffed rotation.

Sorry, but I am not sold on this being a fun playstyle or addition to the Fury Warrior. But please do reirriterate and maybe create or explain things so they make more sense when put into the game. Maybe turn Rampage into a choice node with Wild Strikes… but again, that would likely kill Rampage. I can’t see a win.

i love Warlords Draenor still fury warrior. It’s convincing if you look at the old version. Fast rotation , hight damage and rage consumes fast.
In the skill tree, rampage and wild strike must be presented on the same frame.
Wild strike has high power and speed, it also consumes a lot of rage. You can learn the wild strike game style by looking at the Wod era. I want this for PVP. Rampage 4 hits and has no standard power. Wild strike has standard and above damage. Therefore, it is more stable. At least for PVP.

So you want a PvP talent, that turns Rampage into Wild Strikes?

Sure that could work. Though, I don’t personally think it is worth the dev time. But hey, if it makes a partition of the playbase, I see no harm no foul.

Tldr; What Fury needs its for its damage to be focused on Rampage + Execute

Adding another spender wont add you a choice. You will press the one who deals more damage per rage spend and that’s it.

What Fury actually needs:

Nerf builders:

  • Bloodthirst and Raging Blow should serve the purpose of pooling rage for spending and that’s it. Nerf their damage and remove all the focus on this abilities.

Buff Rampage

  • Buff its damage considerably to compensate for the damage loss on the abilities above;
  • Remove Slaughtering Strikes, the game doesn’t need modifiers. Make the ability do x damage and that’s it;
  • Remove Slaughterhouse and make Rampage apply a 25% ms baseline for 6 sec;
  • Rework the way the ability works. The 4 strikes visual is pleasing but the damage being spread by 4 strikes feels terrible. Even if i crit with all 4 strikes, i only see 4 flying numbers that are not that high. Make it 1 strike with both weapons dealing the full damage of the ability in 1 number, will feel much better to press specially when it crits.
    You can design another visual for it or just use the current last strike visual. Regardless, it would help a lot.

Revert Execute to Legion and bring back all its support talents:

  • The only rage spend choice we need is between Rampage and Execute, the same way Arms has to decide between Mortal Strike and Execute.
    Legion Execute was perfect for this based on the damage, the cost and the synergy it had with Rampage.
  • Buff Execute damage to be above Rampage;
  • Execute (25 rage): Deals massive damage on targets below 20% hp;
  • Improved Execute: No longer has cd and refunds 10% rage if target survives (Arms version);
  • Sense Death: Execute has a 15% chance to make your next Execute cost no rage;
  • Massacre: Execute critical strikes reduce the rage cost of your next Rampage by 100%.
  • Remember the talk above the 4 Rampage strikes? 100% same thing here, having the damage spread on 2 strikes is awful. It already uses the same arms swing, only needs to have its damage merged into 1 strike.

Execute would become the absolute priority like it always been, followed by Rampage as our 2 main abilities.
Raging Blow, Bloodthirst, Onslaught, SoS Slam and anything that generates rage should always be stepping stones for our 2 main damage abilities like it should.

Rampage feature is a skill that destroys fury warrior. Before Rampage came, Fury Warrior was known as a spec that could do high damage. Rampage is the worst evil done to Fury Warrior. Real players could play the old Fury Warrior. Both in Pvp and Pve. In my opinion, skills that can play with different rotations other than Ramp should be added and these skills should change the entire rotation. Everyone should play with at least 3 different rotation options. Some rotations should be for speed, some for power, some for both but an average rotation.
Rampage is an incredibly annoying skill. It is a skill that is never at the desired level but is forced to play. I miss the old fury warrior. The cataylsm, mop and wod periods were the most enjoyable to play. At that time, there was no disgusting Rampage feature and it was more enjoyable. Hopefully these bugs will be fixed in the future. Rampage is regret…

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