Fury warrior needs buff

Fury warriors are doing so badly that they are not getting invited to any raids and are kicked from dungeons and Blizzard is doing nothing about it. Fury needs to get buffed and theres no way around it. Shouldn’t they atleast revert some of the nerfs fury has gotten in the past? Also why is Fury getting Dragon soul state nerfs since launch of cata classic?

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wait till dragonsoul sould get hand two handed sword deadwing 2 sword yummy

That doesnt really solve the issue of being completely obsolete spec until later on. Also theres a lot of compete for 2Handed weapons while 1Handed weapons with strenght aren’t highly in demand. Not to mention how much Heroic Leap sucks currently and is useless.

mean cata warrior kind bad dead so just reroll somting less bad og cata also bad till last pase just accept thet or reroll somting more usefull

You just confirmed my point with this comment. If it was so bad in original Cata then why did they nerf it back then during Dragon Soul raid. The need to buff the spec isn’t going away by saying just reroll. Its subscription based game and this is definitely something that needs to be fixed. What blizzard should do to fix the spec is to increase Single-Minded fury specs damage to balance out the spec as a whole and also gearing for the entire raid. When it comes to PVP, warriors haven’t gotten on par with other classes and they should get Heroic Leap fixed to the state it was in Legion.

only choice thet or suffer bench mark choice yours make end

MM hunter is almost on the same level as frost mage, but sure… all we need is to get fury warrior buffed up. :roll_eyes:

I’m not saying that fury warrior is performing good, it’s just that it’s not the only spec that is underperforming in CATA.

Fury is still better than MM hunter or feral combat druid, and on par with enhancement shaman.

I’m aware that stats from raid logs might be slightly inaccurate for those specs that are least played, but if there is any shred of valuable info in those, it’s that MM hunter should have higher priority over fury warrior when addressing this issue.

Furys biggest issue imo is not that it’s underperforming (which it indeed is in most situations). It’s rather how unfun and clunky it feels to play.

During the Classic WoW lifespan, fury warrior has been either my main alt or second alt, since I enjoy(ed) the feel of the spec. But they really did it dirty in Cata. Especially at lower gear levels, you’re either just playing whack-a-mole with different procs, or just waiting for bloodthirst to come off cooldown again in windows with no procs (your standard single target rotation is literally bloodthirst every second GCD). Perhaps things change when you’re getting into deep heroic raid gearing, but heroic strike feels too expensive to use in many situations if you don’t want to rage starve yourself so you have to delay your rotation.

It feels like something is missing within the spec. There’s not many buttons to press if you’re not having good RNG with procs. And it feels very lacking compared to its WotLK version, which was high APM, but also very rewarding. Cata fury warrior is neither of those.

Why does it need buff is it worse than it was in original cata? And what does this have to do with the topic? Ur just putting a lot of questions out there with 0 answers.

Fury being bad is accurate to patch 4.3. Blizzard made some nerfs with the release of 4.3 to prevent Fury from scaling too well in Dragon Soul, those nerfs were slightly too heavy and while it didn’t entirely ruin Dragon Soul Fury, it did make the spec useless below ilvl390 ish, and pushed Arms ahead.

Classic Cataclysm is on autopilot, if Blizzard were going to address undertuned specs they would have done it already and simply reverted the 4.3 nerfs, but thgey didn’t and they won’t. You will just have to play Arms or accept being useless until MOP comes out.

Sure is, it’s crazy how poorly it plays compared to WOTLK/TBC. But I felt that way back in 2010 too, I had many a rant about it. TBC/WOTLK Fury was peak, it still remains untouched for me, regardless of tuning (Fury was undertuned for most of WOTLK as you’d remember).

Cata Fury gameplay is just not it. Arms is good though.


I haven’t asked any question in that post, but here we go, as you wish.

Why does it need buff?
Probably for the same reason as fury warrior does.

What does it have to do with the topic?
You made the topic sound as if the fury warrior is the only spec that require attention.
I just pointed out there are other specs that apparently performs even worse.
What does that not have to do with the topic? Is this completely unrelated in your opinion?

Is it worse than it was in original CATA?
I have no idea since I couldn’t play original CATA back then.

Point is that this is not original CATA. This is Classic re-release of that expansion, and there is no reason to not include some improvements when re-releasing video game.
Ain’t this the reason why you are asking for fury warrior to get buffed?

0 issue´s with fury warriors in raid you need to know when to pop ur CD`s and when not too …

As for someone´s comment about clunky i personally find Arms 10times more clunky than fury :wink:

Fury in the original Cata was the main raiding spec in T11 and T12, it was only in T13 patch 4.3 that Arms became the main raiding spec, because Fury got nerfed. Fury was very competitive in Cataclysm, particularly in Firelands, but then in Dragon Soul it dropped off hard due to nerfs.

Cata Classic is representing a version of the game that never existed before the Dragon Soul raid was current. Go watch some Firelands world first kills, for an idea of Class balance while it was current.