Fury warrior nerfs

We could forsee our aoe would be nerfed and bladestorm and odyn’s fury nerfs were fair but why %3 aura nerf ? When you look at the heroic logs fury is top because aoe burst not single target dps. And please consider we dont have 4 set piece yet. with nerfs and fury’s low % gain from 4th piece fury will end up bottom for boss damage again. I am not dooming about it. we ll need to wait see the mythic logs in the future.

This might be unpopular opinion but arms needs more hp or passive damage reduction. Arms’s defensive skills are good and enough most likely but arms its selve feels more weak in surviving compering to some other melee dps specs. Maybe removing rage cost of Ignore Pain would be good start to not back seat our damage in execute phase when pressing ignore pain.

Oh i can ashure you 4 set will not have a mayor inpact in the slightest.
We are currently rated lowest in the tier priority list :smile: and it’s easy to tell why

they are giving damage increase to a low priority attack in our rotation that despite the two stacks is no where near reliable or gives a higher output for us to value it more, anyone who puts focus in to it is just beeing fooled by the pretty tier text.

as for the overall damage nerf, it was never about PVE damage
all about pvp, but instaid of doing the reasonable thing like… ya know reduce the damage specifikly for pvp they just nerf it overall like they always had, beacuse some people at blizzard just hate it when warriors are doing good at the start of an expansion for once.

And yes, this is a trend that i have seen over and over again with eatch new expansion.

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Blizz just killed fury… cant be real that supporterclasses like retri are punishing warriors in aoe. Rogue, mm/sv hunter, wl, retri, dk punishing furys in aoe AND overall. Im main Fury and its a reason to quit WoW. Tell me when fury was fottom class the last years? We were ONLY in s4 PREPATCH /like 4 weeks in
unnecessary content) op but now we are weak again. I play a WARRIOR cuz its seems that WARROR will do high/most dmg but supporterclasses like retri and rog do way more dmg :3 it feels like kidding.


And AGAIN Fury will get a nerf… wtf… BLizz are u playing your own Games? I dont care about Raid - im m+ MAIN and i cant play my maincclass. Instant deabo and quit WoW. Ty for that!


Of course they don’t play it, at least not as a warrior. There’s no evidence or stats at all that backup ANOTHER nerf.


that %3 was personal


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