Fury Warrior Upgrade?

Hello, this is like a suggestion thing about Fury Warrior, I am sorry if I posted in the wrong section, I hope this will be moved not deleted and hope the community and the staff will take a look over here.

  1. Fury Warriors build of using 2 swords ( 1 handed each ) was always so low than the “default” build of using 2 swords ( 2 handed both ) and was, not like never, but almost never used or have ever been seen in game which this thing must mark yourselves somehow why not ? My suggestion is to do it as good as the “default” build or just to modify it somehow.

  2. Fury Warriors are always, but ALWAYS using 2 swords 2handed which they are never able to use transmog of 1 handed swords / maces etc. Even if we can learn the tmog, we will never be able to use it because we are ALWAYS using 2 swords 2handed so that’s kinda not fair…

  3. Lack of damage immunity or cheat death mechanics.

  4. Rage regeneration somehow ?

OFF TOPIC : Have you ever think to bring back mage tower for legion artifacts for returning players or even actual monthly players but missed the Legion expansion ? Like to give at least a chance once per 2 years to get that or I don’t know… I think even limited stuff deserve a second chance to get… special since Legion was released on 30 August 2016 and now we are in 2024 :smiley: At least after 10 years ( 2026 ) to have a chance of getting them and unlocking them :slight_smile:

1./2. Make (only) fury warriors be able to transmog 2h-weapons to 1h- weapons, remove single minded fury/frenzied fury and implement something else for these two perks, problem basically solved.

  1. Not every class needs an immunity/cheat death ability. Class envy is good if your class brings something good to the table as well, which warrior current does not.

  2. I don’t see an issue with rage generation rn.


We have spell reflect, def stance, Enrage Regeneration & Rallying Cry. We are definitely not in lack of survivability but in lack of utility for sure.

Rage generation is not a problem from my pov, even if I don’t like to use Slam as a filler

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