Fury warroir with double one-handed weapons

I got Mace as one-handed weapon from nathanos drop…

No two-handed weapon.

I was unsure, is fine Fury warroir use both one-handed weapons?
Or it’s very low damgee? If I must use two-handeds…

It’s fine. As a single-minded fury your damage is increased by 12% and your movement speed is increased by 5%

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Yeah sat here waiting on another 1h to drop

I highly recommend DW 1H cause you will generate rage faster.

I’m pretty sure rage is normalized.
So rage/second is about the same.
It’s probably gonna be smoother with 1handers but I’m not sure how much that matters.

I see!
I worried if which said my warroir is low damgee when use one-hand weapon.
Yeah two handed weapons was popular for fury warroir. Rare one-hand.

So seem both same damgee as I test it.
But, if I got 1 one-hand and 1 two-hand from random drop.
Use both still same damgee?

I have done some tests with one 1h and one 2h.

If you are using two 1h and you get a much higher ilvl 2h it might be worth it to use it. Atleast until we get into shadowlands.

Single-minded fury and Titans grip is so close that you should just go with the highest ilvl weapons for the main hand atleast.

I’d imagine with faster weapons, since the rage comes in faster, it’s slightly less punishing if you rage starve yourself.

IE Waiting 1.6 seconds for more rage Vs 3.6.

2.6 sec vs 3.6 isnt that much and considering how low the amount of rage is you wont really notice it. Our rage comes from our abilities, if you only use auto attacks it would take you about 40 seconds to reach 100 rage.
In some cases you would be able to cast rampage earlier by having a quick auto attack generate the last rage needed, but sometimes a 2hand might have given you the last rage needed in the previous attack since it generates more.
So over a fight it evens out

Christ, you’re right. Haven’t played fury in a while.

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