Fury worth it for pvp?

Do you guys recommend fury for pvp? I heard some cool pvp buffs are coming for 9.1!

Is it worth to level a warrior as fury now?


you are probably able to have fun in random bgs, but in arena it will still be garbage.

This as of 9.0.5. In BGs is a lot of fun and an absolute killing machine. I found myself in some 1v2,1v3 situations against 220+ rets, dks, mages and was actually able to kill them, or survive and kill at least 1 against multiple opponents. As arms you are toast against anyone who can heal, you lose most 1v1s, you die from aoe/dots and such.

If you wanna do arenas and have a stable healer, arms may bring some extra utility. If you wanna actually do good on your own in bgs, play fury, or arms without the stun and pick the healing talent. If you play rated bg, and have capable healers, arms is also amazing.
Maybe 9.1 brings fury at the top in arenas as well, with the stacking MS and the new leggo. The curent BiS leggo for fury is too unreliable in PvP in most situations.

Alright boys I made my warrior… I actually enjoying it in pvp! Very squishy tho… but damn it’s more fluent than arms thats for sure

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