Just wondering how Fury/Arms is looking for S2 - I really hated the start of S1 with all the nerfs and the game just became a queue simulator. I really don’t like any of the other classes so warrior is the only option. I used to tank but refuse to do that now since they changed tank survivability at the end of S4.
So is S2 worth playing as arms or fury or is it better to just skip this season and wait for them to buff the warrior rather than paladins and mages all the time?
PVE, sorry I completely forget that PVP is even a thing in this game
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This is for the PTR only: both dps specs are currently mediocre in PvE. Fury, the go to mythic plus spec, is currently lackluster, especially compared to the top specs. Warriors are overall pretty weak in keys on the PTR and won’t be meta in season 2 as of now.
Prot Warrior is getting unwarranted nerfs, blizzard is playing deaf on all constructive feedbacks provided in US forums, EU forums are pretty much empty of feedback.
Arms Warrior received a nerf on Colossus spec, with no real counterpart.
Fury I haven’t checked that much, but it’s not great in any cases.
If nothing changes, you can definitely park it for season 2. It will be even worse than in S1…
Looks like I going on a break, blizzard needs to sort out the balancing its a complete joke.
fury arms and prot all are getting nerfed in s2… even that we struggle getting kited to death by ranged and we have the less defensives of all classes, instead to buff us, they nerf us more…, its RIP for warriors, take a break until they get some reason in their heads.
What do you mean by warrior is meta in the current season?
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I think he maybe means they are sort of playable right now but nothing great, can still have a ret pally 10-20 ilvls lower doing similar damage sometimes more. But in S2 warriors will be even lower down the rankings and I can’t be bothered with S2 because I’m not spending ages waiting to get into M+ groups because everyone thinks they need only the meta classes for anything 8 and above and tbh looking into it now it looks like bringing a warrior into M+ S2 group is going to be similar to just adding an extra affix
The current PTR build is just a snapshot of currently planned changes, much more changes may come, so it’s best to wait until the end of the PTR because the devs are known to include last minutes changes in the final patch notes.
That being said, both warrior dps specs are highly underwhelming on the current PTR in every aspect that is relevant for mythic plus, especially compared to the other top classes/dps specs. The rework of some talent points/abilities did not do the class any meaningful favor. As it currently stands, Arms warrior will again not be viable in season 2 of m+ as it is essentially a worse version of Retribution paladin or Frost death knight, and there is no sign from the developers that the spec will get any love any time soon. In addition, taking away the Odyn’s Fury aspect from Titan’s Torment just makes Fury less fun to play. Without any meaningful additions and significant improvements, Fury is basically one nerf/rework away from being a dead spec in PvE.
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Pretty accurate statement unfortunately…
But wait, we are receiving +20 buff on whatever skill we use! For sure that will solve all our problems!