Fury/Arms warrior looking for raiding guild

On the lookout for a new guild due to wanting to raid with people with the same goals.
Not looking for anything too hardcore would just like to be raiding at a heroic/mythic level 2/3 days a week as well as pushing as much M+ as possible.

I’ve raided at heroic and mythic level before in multiple wow expansions, always looking at logs and guides to improve myself. I’m always pushing as much m+ as possible as well whenever I have time.
Little information about me:
Available any day 20:00 - 23:00 for raids as I do have a job
Working mic, discord etc
I’ve got the legendary axe and I’m fine playing fury or arms depending on what is needed
I’m fine with transferring servers.

If you need any more info feel free to contact me on either bnet T0manc#2983 or discord T0manc

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