The majority of Flamelash players are hoping for a structural solution for the server.
Many aspects of the game just cannot be achieved as is the case on more healthier servers.
There is no real trade happening, dungeon groups are hard to find, world bosses can’t be done and raids are only happening when we got the guild members up for it.
Is there an idea on how to solve this for the entirety of Flamelash, is there a roadmap on server merges coming P2?
Some info would be highly appreciated.
I invite my fellow Flamelash people to voice their concerns as well.
would love to get an answer on this post aswell! 
I’m co-GM of the other alliance guild on Flamelash, the remnants of the Reinforcements project of October 2020, and we’ve made the decision to transfer off Flamelash on Friday for the reasons Mort has outlined about.
Another horde guild also left this week, which I believe leaves 3 horde guilds and 1 alliance guild on the server once we’ve moved.
The situation on Flamelash is unsustainable and the people left there deserve better - currently they’re being punished for having made their characters on a server which died through no fault of their own, with no word from Blizz on a solution except buy a transfer. They pay the same sub as everyone else but aren’t able to see a significant portion of TBC content
bump for Blizzard to notice
Whats wrong with having < 10 people online, its not like its an MMO 
To be fair its a great server for farming, lots of level 1 tourists come and chat once in a blue moon to ask how dead the server is. Farming is awesome - no one killing any mobs. Always get to see the rares (that are not rare on this server) 
Hello from the Horde side of the server!
I am a member of S Y N E R G Y and i am playing on this server from the start of classic and i am glad that more people even alliance are baffled with the ending of this server. We stayed here when all alliance left and tried to make it work for 2 years! We also hoped that with TBC people will come back and the server will rise again atleast for the economy and some pug groups but our hopes died with the history of this server being dead along time now…even streamers from America knows about what happened to this server and we are still here… And the number one reason we are still on this server and didnt transfer is the real money we need to pay to transfer our characters. We ask Blizzard to do something for this server (either free transfers or merge with other low pop servers) as we pay along time now for a game that cant give us what is offering and i dont know for how long we will do that anymore!
P.S. Something for my fellow adventurers, we need to take our future on our hands so i encourage you to do an ingame petition in order to be sure that our voices are heard!
Thank you in advance!
Would be nice to get a server merge, or even an interconnect/sharding of the smaller servers, but I have lost faith that Blizz cares about server population/faction balance.
Feels like any server that reaches low pop is just left to die
Indeed, we aim to keep the community forged with those still there.
The technological solutions are indeed there, connecting aspects from servers (AH/Dungeon/…) are a good solutions.
This is something the Developer team will be able to make a good decision on with all that has been learned from 15+ years of expertise in the MMO-RPG genre.
It is sad to see that the issue is not being addressed by Blizzard. Among the long queues for horde where it involves the majority of players it fixes fast, but years of a dead server problem. Not even a Free transfer for people. I don’t really know what those people did to deserve such bad customer support.
I think the situation on Flamelash for Alliance is worse than horde. Horde are still managing Word Bosses and Raids weekly. That being said many guilds have had enough and left.
I think most people would welcome any form of change / support from Blizzard. The server gets worse daily, the economy is dying and its sad to see. There is no server community left and guilds are clinging onto what they have as recruitment is not an option. Not everyone can just pay to move all there characters and another solution should be worked out.
Blizzard have stepped in before, before the launch of TBC they focused on fixing server imbalance and offered free transfers. Can only hope they look to fix the dying servers like Flamelash next.
A tricky task.
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Cconnecting aspects from servers AH/Dungeon Would be a great option however I fear that we will be left to our own choises (pay to leave)…
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I mainly believe that the players on Flamelash as well as other dying servers deserve closure from Blizzard. Up until now we have been kept in the dark. Not sure what or even if Blizzard is going to take any action.
I think a response from them to us, shedding some light on the situation from their side would be a first great start. If their message would state that they would consider merges in the future or even worse: will do nothing, would easy peoples minds. Once we know the ‘bigger picture’, we would be able to plan for a future may it be on Flamelash, may it be somewhere else. But for now we do know nothing except for the fact that we are being ignored and even mistreated by Blizzard. And that is just not fair to a player base that has been so invested into their creation.
I really do hope they reach out to us with a solution, or maybe ask for our feedback (wishful thinking, right?) so we all can enjoy the game again as what it is, a MASSIVE multiplayer online rpg. Where we can fight over open world resources, not being the only person in shattrath city, try to bankrupt your nemesis on the auction house, make new friends and explore the depths of those dangerous dungeons…
Hello this is me,
Fix the server or I will still play on the server.
Best regards
Dear Tapio,
As per your request to fix the servers, we decided not to do a sh!t. Yo do not even deserve to have a reply from real GM.
However, please subscribe for another 6 months of gaming on a dead sever with kinder garden economics.
Thank you for understanding and FU, players of Flamelash.
©Blizzard (Alkan)
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If some days of the day there are more bots online than players, it does say something about blizzard and their ability to communicate with players.
Anyway, posting for more visibility, do the same, this might do nothing but neither would sitting idly and mumbling to a closed circle.
Hahaha! Best reply ever! =D
But yeah, been here on Flamelash sens day 1, saw the retarded act of Blizz to suddenly just open up free migrate for Alliance. That cause the “GREAT EXODUS” from the server. Unfortunatly its getting lower and lower on the pupulatio. Great server, love it! But i dont want to pay for a transfer to Blizzard, when they dont do shieat to rescue this server.
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Another Synergy player here responding for visibility. We are down to three guilds on horde side and one alliance guild at this point. You would say that it brings farming possibilities, but don’t underestimate the amount of bots that scour the open world on an empty server like this. Many people are unhappy but most also feel like they have invested so much in their characters the past two years that starting over on another server is not an option. Since the majority of people have a bunch of alts, transferring the whole guild would be way too expensive to be a possibility.
At this point the only thing that Blizzard seems to be able to is to let the server bleed out. I am sure that the majority of the players will rather quit than starting over on another server or dropping 100 bucks on transfers. This needs to be given attention, because Blizzard is at the risk of losing a bunch of subs.
Another Synergy player here responding for visibility. We are down to three guilds on horde side and one alliance guild at this point. You would say that it brings farming possibilities, but don’t underestimate the amount of bots that scour the open world on an empty server like this. Many people are unhappy but most also feel like they have invested so much in their characters the past two years that starting over on another server is not an option. Since the majority of people have a bunch of alts, transferring the whole guild would be way too expensive to be a possibility.
At this point the only thing that Blizzard seems to be able to is to let the server bleed out. I am sure that the majority of the players will rather quit than starting over on another server or dropping 100 bucks on transfers. This needs to be given attention, because Blizzard is at the risk of losing a bunch of subs.