Future of the hunter class

What I would like to see is a split of the hunter class into two separate classes.
Hear me out:
Firstly, WoW being a MMORPG set in magic and medieval like circumstances while having one single archer spec, is a huge fail for the game as a whole. Not a class, just a SINGLE SPEC at this point. The fantasy of being an archer is a big draw on so many people, boys and girls alike.
What we need, as I stated, is a split into two classes. Keep the hunter. Make the survival what you want (who cares), keep the BM and add some other hunter fantasy. And then, make an archer class. Marksman and lets say, Grenadier and close quarter combat rouge-like double hand crossbow. (these are just off the top of my head) … Probably nothing compared to what they could come up with.

In short. Spilt the class! Free the archer from those bonds of tyranny!

So is this completely bonkers? Why has it not happened already? We need more arrows and bullets in wow.


I had to read your post multiple times, because each time I thought… “Sounds like you want what we already have in the game, so I must have read the post wrong”. :sweat_smile:

Have you given Survival Hunter a serious try? Because you are perfectly describing SV Hunter here. :slight_smile: It’s main damage is through grenades, is a melee spec, and uses a crossbow for ranged attacks… Word for word what you wrote, except for “double hand crossbow”. :tipping_hand_man:

Love this part hehe…

First you sound like you dislike SV Hunter, and don’t care AT ALL for the spec…

Then you proceed to request that Blizz makes another spec alongside MM Hunter in a separate class, and then brainstorm a “new spec”, which is exactly like SV Hunter. :sweat_smile:

People who hate on SV Hunter online, are people who never actually bothered giving it a proper try. :slight_smile: Bicmex who is arguably the top player on EU in 2v2s and solo shuffle, plays SV Hunter. You should try it out if you haven’t already, it’s my favorite spec in the game.

It’s totally not bonkers :slight_smile: which is why it already exists, and is amazing to play. If you want more bullets, then I don’t see why you can’t play MM Hunter, and swap to a “gun tmog” instead of a bow…?

I really don’t think this is a good thing for multiple reasons:

  • People who already play Hunter, would be OUTRAGED if Blizz removed some specs from their favorite class.
  • Splitting the class into two, would require a COMPLETE rework of one of the Hunter classes, otherwise the classes would be too similar in abilities, utility, and playstyle. And that’s a lot of work to rework something that already works.
  • By “splitting the class”, we don’t “gain” anything. It only makes the other specs inaccessible. Especially seeing you are describing the “new spec” as something we already have (SV Hunter).
  • Having multiple Hunter fantasies as separate classes, isn’t something we have similarly seen done in other WoW classes… For example, even Shadow Priest which is a completely opposite fantasy of Priest, is a Priest spec… If ANY class should be split apart, this would arguably be the one. And even this one is STILL just one class. :slight_smile:
  • “Boys and girls” can just pick up the Hunter class… I don’t see why splitting the class, makes it “more accessible to boys and girls alike”? Just play Hunter then. :man_shrugging:
  • We already have many classes in WoW, and bloating that even further just to get “two Hunter classes”, would not sit well with players who wish for a new class, which is different than what we already have.

I could probably come up with more reasons, but I think these are enough. :slight_smile:


Given Hero Talents are just around the corner, which should bring a little bit more variety and some customisation options, I’m minded to see how they land before wishing for any breakaway classes.

(I deliberately write ‘wishing’ because I am not convinced that calls for new classes are at all effective.)

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first, defining this; Hunter, as the only pure dps class in the game, should be the top dps class (as a max potential with optimal gear/synergy/skill). as it has no options. Utillity dictates that there is no need for more than one, in a 10-20-30-or 40 man raid, as is.
Heart of the lion and trueshot aura on 1 hunter, and the warriors/rogues are happy…the meta will, as it looks, be classic over again; stack warriors (who, due to itemization in higher lvls, also will be MT and OT) and win.

Mages parsing high on dps and healing at the same time, negates them from being top dps. warrior, rouge and druid, and now warlock can all tank, and cc. hunter doesnt have any cc at 25, and a long cd FD/Trap macro at 40, thats pretty much it.

thats what the big scary pet should counter at 25.
and how to counter it, btw.

Changes that should happen imo :

Lone wolf should be buffed to 25% damagebonus, and remove deadzone. and, add a dodge-bonus of 5-8%., or a leap type (to max 30 yards) abillity. that would open the door for survival/melee hunters to have a NEW playstyle and excel in the game, espess pvp wise (without a scary pet at all, to make everyone cry)

exploshot and chimera should be on two different slots - one is a single target dps staple, the other is an aoe.
actually, remove arcaneshot and make it explo shot.
arc shot is pointless and has been for 20 yrs, its there as banter by now, but a tired joke…

traps should be usable in combat.
and icetrap fireable at range.

im fine with nerfing pet dps, i see why. it doesnt feel fair to ppl loosing to a pet. no problem there. so; the BM tree should become a tank-spec.
the pet gains aoe threat(castable) a sheildwall-type abillity on a short cd to withstand crusing blows (shell sheild is not powerful enough), and an armor/stam bonus instaed on damage bonuses, making pets viable MT for dungeouns and raids at max lvl.
cobra strikes should be threatincreasers, like an extra aoe taunt instead, procced of hunter crits. beastmastery rune should be 80% buff to armor and stamina for pet, and 50% focus regen, and the taunt last 6 sec.
…And make world buffs count again!
if a pvper beats u with every world buff up, thats just stats vs stats.
all that nerf is, is a straight nerf to pve dps.
nothing else.

the forgoitten tree, survival, should be the pvp spec tree, with escapes and snares and move Hawk eye there, as its for kiting.

  • all melee hunting abillities belong there as well -

marks should be the dps raid spec. make sniper training a buff that lasts 7-10 sec, so it doesnt force u to hate to move, when u have to move.
what a dumb design that is.

chimera needs to be what it started as, 125% wepdamage. explosive shot should be the AoE attack, somewhere around 75% of wep dmg, 8 yard aoe effect, 3 ticks.

imp arcane shot in the MM tree should be removed, and replaced with an abillity to either regen mana while dpsing, or a procced runspeed/haste buff

overall, reduce the cost of mana 50% flat on everything. its a pointless cap to gameplay (!!) and the class doesnt have any regen. it makes no actual sense, so make it matter as little as it should.

being able to maintank or offtank would be amazing for everyone.
this way, the pet doesnt do crazy dps, but crazy threat which doesnt affect pvp’ers. and, it helps alot with the whole “LFG missing Tank, ready to go”-aspect of tradechat - which is a 20 year old cunundrum.
as for ppl will solo dungeouns with it - yep - we will. we already do, and mages do it better than we would be able to after this anyway, so…

give us BM tanking and then make MM be equal to warr, rogue lock and cat on damagemeters, not 5% ahead.
Thats only fair. utility has a cost/benefit to it.
as is tho, we dont have that.

and ofc, like everyone prob wants, add dual spec

'tis the season of discovery, and playing either a petless melee leaping trapmaster with a bow, or a beastmaster with a raidtank, would both be fun NEW experiences.

blizz cant balance using pvp good, so pve bad logic.
ppl play either one, or the other mostly, so u ruin the class for a huge amount of players if u do.
pve balance is counted versus other pve class, and pvp versus other pvp classes. both have to work well for all, IF played well, or its a fail. If one has to be OP, make it pvp, its the lesser of two priorities as the vast majority of the game is pve.

what would i play? i mite MT/OT, that would be a fun xp. even tho i love MM normally, and have played it most of the 20 yrs of wow. i HATE having to melee weave, its awful, due to the constant running. ppl who like that and somehow didnt pick rogue, should atleast play the improved Lone wolf rune.

This is so true. Its becuase they are players who only play hunter to play bm( and occasionally MM when it does way more dps), and they only play bm becuase its easy. So thye will never pick up surv becuase it requires decision making and its melee.


That’s a stupid statement
just because you hate surv never tried it
I tried it and i hate it

If you really wanne play melee hunter then play SOD

Or just play retail with current sv which is no doubt the most fun hunter spec.


Why’d you even bother spending time on a spec you dislike? Honestly tho?

I utterly hate the current iteration of “Zoo Master”, and I’ve never liked MM, yet I don’t go hating on the specs loudly.

Luckily for ranged Hunter enjoyers such as yourself, you’ve TWO specs to chose from… unless you wanna be competitive, that is. Win-win!

IMO they should just revert Survival to a ranged spec and make up some excuse that the Survival hunters kept accidentally blowing themselves up one too many time and decided to pick up a bow/gun again

Nooooooo. :joy: it’s literally one of the best specs in the game. People who hate it, does so because they haven’t learned how to play it properly, or because “it’s cool to hate on SV”.

Can someone tell me why there are so much haters of survival hunters, is it some kind of disease or what?

It’s for three reasons:

  1. SV Hunter is “different”, and feels counterintuitive since it’s “melee”, but Hunters “kite to survive”. So it requires a higher skill ceiling, since you need to know “combos” to not die consistently (in PvP at least). So people quit before they learn how to play it. :tipping_hand_man: Once you learn it though, it’s imo one of the top PvP specs in game.
  2. Some pre-legion players mained the previous version, and just don’t like the newer reworked version. Either because “they hate change”, or are just not melee type players. To be fair… I understand this reason, since I would hate if they made it non-melee again. :man_shrugging:
  3. They hear “we hate SV Hunter” from one of the above, and jump on the bandwagon…. Because you know… “WoW players”. :roll_eyes:

The number of players running SV since Legion is dwarfed by the amount that used to play the ranged version. It was the Fire Mage of Hunter where most of your abilities were instant. That gameplay is gone now and has been replaced by a melee Hunter that isn’t melee at all. I still prefer the Legion iteration, although I’m playing SV now only because I hate the BM zoo playstyle even more.

A lot of it came from very bad press from early Legion spec reviews where every “reviewer” quite literally played the spec wrong and went “yea it’s bad, don’t play it”

Another big part of it was that it removed a popular ranged spec

Another big part was the reasoning of “mm and rsv were too similar”

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Survival spec as it stands now should have been part of a whole new class the players have asked for a long time. The Tinker class, some engineering type class that could have been the second class to use ranged weapons and allow the use of modern type weaponry and skill. Survival Hunter could have been a melee class that’s FINE but why a grenade tossing spear wielding, harpooning around with a pet by his side? It makes no sense.

The original survival hunter was Rexxar as we discovered him in Warcraft 3. His toolkit and skillset had nothing to do with what we have now. Survival should have been all about traps, pet coordination, double weapon wielding with a side of stealth. You could say close enough but I don’t agree.

As for the old survival skillset, it should have been introduced into MM a long time ago giving the chance for a doting build to be viable for hunter (Aren’t we supposed to be close to nature not unlike druids?) Also, the hunter’s actual toolkit is completely retarded. Who uses Eagle Eye? Fireworks? Disengage became one of the worst dash spells (thank god for that unsnaring talent) Tracking has little to no use. Eyes of the beast is useless, Arcane shot makes no sense fantasy wise since we no longer have mana. Sentinel Owl is probably one the worst utilities out there (except in pvp I guess?) and why does it only affect a PARTY???

And to further push my point: The talent trees. I haven’t looked at survival talent trees but holy hell are the BM and MM trees bad … SO bad. I look into the warrior fury tree and wow. They can do SO many different things and builds but we’re stuck with lackluster talents that we have no choice but to play anyways. Readiness forces you to use an under powered shot that requires casting AND focus. And the effect is barely worth it anyways. Aimed shot should have no CD to begin with, it’s high focus cost IS the CD. Rapid fire does not deal anywhere near enough damage for it’s long CD. It’s animation could have been much more fun as well, I mean look at blade dance? Chaos bolt? Whirlwind? We just look a like a bow wielding random with a seizure.

The fact of the matter is, Blizzard does NOT like the hunter class, it’s developer doesn’t even play the class, our class fantasy and design has no flavor and no love, our utility is non existent, our dps barely ok and swiftly nerfed if even slightly considered decent (DF S1 anyone?) Sylvanas’ bow was a joke that was out performed by random rogue daggers. We’re the class with the least amour of good transmogs.

I just want to love my main (and first) class like I love my alts like DH, Mage, Priest, Warrior but Blizzard is making it very hard to do so.


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