WARNING: Everything you read is just a joke and it’s meant to entertain you! I do not know anything that will happen in the future!
- Sire Denathrius menages to escape Castle Nathria
- Sylvanas’s true motiv was to use the Jailer to become a blood elf again
- Jailer is going to succeed in breaking free and coming to Azeroth. He will be killed there.
- Arthas is going to be freed from the Maw and become a new Jailer himself
- Jaina saw the opportunity to be with him but when she found out he’s the Jailer, she went back to Thrall
- Kael’Thas is going to be freed from Revendreth and become the leader of Silvermoon again, throwing the reagent lord out and sending him to his girlfriend in Suramar
- Kael’Thas wanted to be with Jaina, but yet again, he was dissapointed when she went back to Thrall
- Orcs have left Orgrimmar because they understand now that they are not leadrers of the Horde since they are forgotten in previous expansions. The only orcish thing in the Horde is Orgrimmar, which is being led by the Blood Elves and Baine with his undead guard
- Tyrande was never found in the Maw, she actually went to a planet where Na’ru Elune is the god. Together they are plotting the attack on Azeroth.
New expansion: Fury of Elune
- Elune was actually the goddess of Light, but the Jailer corrupted her with void, which resulted in her betrayal. It was a plan of his if his death comes
- Tyrande followed Elune blindly, thinking that everything is for the greater good, but got corrupted by the void herself instead
- All the night elves followed Tyrande blindly, and they have all together left the Alliance because Alliance isn’t focused on the Horde’s destruction
- Heroes of Azeroth have to go to Elune’s planet and stop their evil plan
- Orcs are desperate and they’ve left the Horde since they don’t belong there and started migrating another dimension (Draenor) seeking the help from the Light
- Pandaren made peace with each other leaving the Alliance and the Horde, forming a new playable faction, the Animals, which include Pandaren, Toskar, Night Elves, Murlocs, Naga and Ogres
- Jaina is, as said, in love with Thrall, joins the Horde, cheers for the Alliance and kills Horde people at the same time
And expansion after that: Well of Eternity
- Sire Denathrius kills Azeroth while heroes were on Elune planet.
- Nothing is safe except for Timeless isle, where Chromie will return heroes in time (Draenor world Azeroth) bringing them to Primal Azeroth where all the races wage war over the power of the Well of Eternity
- Heroes have to stip the mistakes in the past so Azeroth won’t end up having the same fate.
- Another safe place is Exodar where Anduin and Velen are going to fly away and be happy together, forever
World changes: Blizzard wanted to make territories healed after Dearhwing, and places like Azuremyst Isle, Bloodmyst Isle, Eversong Woods and Ghostlands for players to be able to fly there but who cares when everything is destroyed.
- Orcs: Since they prayed to the Light, they can be paladins now
- Human: You can now only make a human with a beard regardless the gender
- Dwarves: Dark Iron Dwarves are now more different that Dwarves
- Undead: Fixed an issue with female undead. They do not run like they’re Usain Bolt anymore.
- Maldraxxi and Venthyr are now a playable race in the Horde
- Kyrian and Night Fae are now a playable race in the Alliance
- Warrior: Casts Arcane spells as Arms
- Paladin: increased damage done by 100%
- Rogue: increased Critical Strike by 200%
- Priest: Voidform has a 2 minute cooldown and it increases healing and damage done by 20%
- Shaman: Maelstorm has been removed
- Druid: Prowl has no cooldown anymore
- Mage: Frost Bomb is returned and Mages can now eat while in combat (cooldown 1 min)
- New class added: Engineer
PvP power has been added for PvP players and in world, when PvE player is within the minimap range of the PvP player, he drops dead.
Blizzard added a new battleground.
Blizzard has opened a pole where players will have to vote between 2 things:
- banning PvP and PvE boosters
- banning rio and rating check addons and their own armory