Fyrakk fails!

99 % of fight I do seed! So funny when LR asked who can do seed and it was so quiet in raid. I understand undoubtedly nobody wanna do seed and it is frustrating how bad design is. Idea of design need to rethink next time because it is very easy to wipe if you fail once. I dont want to see kind of tindral or fyrakk in the future! Thanks!

Do you know if one of the tanks even have to touch any seeds on normal/hc difficulties? I have seen them do that on mythic.

From what i know of normal you just avoid taking shadowflame damage while you’re carrying a seed. You can also throw it if you’re unsure you won’t be able to dodge something. I don’t think specific roles are needed for this but you or whoever is leading should probably choose who uses a seed and when.

I hate this mechanic with a passion. Too easy to fail and waste the entire run, not to mention that the communication required for the right person to drop it at the right time in the right location is something that imo belongs in mythic, not heroic.

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