Fyr'alath in season 4

Hi all,

For season 4 i’d like to play my warrior for nostalgia’s sake.
I hear however you kinda ‘need’ the legendary axe, will it be easier to obtain in season 4?

Is it possible to get it kinda fast?

Thanks for the help!


As far as we know it is still on the same pity-timer system as in s3. So, you are looking at 1 to 15 weeks of farming for the weapon (15 being the 100% drop chance) if you do HC.

If you kill it on mythic, you can get it within 5 weeks, if I remember correctly, it is super fast.

Normal would be… a lot of weeks… next expansion amount.

Chance starts as 1%, 3%, 6%, 12%, 21%, 29%… so on - so you are likely to get it earlier than 15, but you could be unlucky.

You only need to do the raid once a week - and at the highest difficulty you can do. Fyrakk alone is enough.

Best of luck, and happy Legendary Hunting (and remember to save 2 dubloons to upgrade it for when you do)

No. Probably a waste of time at this point.

Doesn’t look like it, no changes to droprate for it were announced, and since the raid is only Awakened every three weeks (So most people won’t want to run the place the other two weeks, especially since they already spent the last season farming the place), it will only be worse to get.

I personally will buy Ash’kandur (The cantrip 2H-sword off faux-Neltharion) for bullion and just forget about the stupid axe…

I’ve been wondering if the bad luck protection from last season carries over into this season for my alts

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