Fyralath quest#1 bugged, book not spawning

So the axe finally drops, first quest handling it the book that should give 3 sub quests for the 3 items needed for the main quest is not spawning at all. So the questline cannot be proceeded. I’ve checked NA forums and they are full of the issue but no one had supplied a fix for it. Might be the patch that bugged it

Also having this issue, I have tried abandoning and retaking the quest, I have flown to the locations of the npcs of the next steps of the quest, I have tried going to Edweard with war mode on/off incase it was a phasing issue and nothing has worked. There were others who got the item and the same kill as I did who are not having this same issue.

Did everything just as you. No result what so ever.

Same for me after 13 weeks I finally get this axe and the questline is bugged this is insane…

Replied from the wrong character but I’ve been waiting 12/13 weeks for this its insane really.

You have got to be kidding me??? 12 WEEKS? And no resolve??? I would ask for a refund honestly

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