Game almost unplayable

looting in undermine takes an age
half the zone in kalimdor cup are borked
barber chairs aren’t working on any continent
loggin to the character select screen takes about 2-3 mins

but ms is about 30, and fps is running at 140

please tell me its not just me? very little i can do right now thats not somehow broken


That is very odd on an RP realm. However, we had some lag during the week, mostly when people came home. I think now that it is the weekend we can expect a lot more.

friend of mine is currently sitting next to me playing… He has no lag and issues so far. Argent dawn player.

Its really weird how some seemingly have allot of lag and issues. While others are untouched by it.

nah this is draenor and silvermoon

i moved all my toons a few years ago but remade this guy on the original server to keep the forum history

Oh, then yes that’s pretty normal atm I think :dracthyr_crylaugh:

Also, may be of interest to you:

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Massive Silvermoon issues. Spent far too long looting for Sparks (literally 20+ second waits). Ravencrest was fine, though.


Also experiencing this and its becoming unplayable for me. Taking 10-30 seconds to loot anything. Taking 10+ seconds just to interact with a NPC accept or turn in quests etc. When using abilities or flying noting happens then all of them get used in 1 second. Silvermoon server

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Silvermoon barely playable since this morning

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it draenor i cant use the barber shop on

doesnt seem to have all the other lag issue , but cant change my appearance or turn off shadowform

silvermoon here VERY laggy