Game balance is non existant ... AGAIN

When will you learn, incompetent wow devs ?
How many years must we wait till you balance this game ?!
How many excuses can we take ?

PvP balance team is bad at their jobs! You guys just can’t do what you are supposed to do right and our game expirience suffers for that ! Sure PvE team is not that good too, but at least bots don’t care when we kill them and we can always invite the FotM class and win against them.

Against another players ? This is unacceptable! Your incompetence is the reason people won’t play PvP!

Let me ask you a simple question. What’s the average time to kill in this game ?
2 sec? But there are classes that can immune way more than that ?
6 sec ? But there are classes that can go invisible more than that
12 sec? But there are classes that can keep you in CC that long ?

This game have 0 idea how game balance works. Cloth classes are more tanky than plate, ranged classes have more damage than melee hell, mobility is all over the place and noone can kill anyone in a BG.

When will they fix all this problems ? in the next expansion or in the expansion after this ? PvP feels just bad to play, hell it even can not be played since your char will always be unable to move, attack or just be stunned and afk.

Why did you made so much CC ? Why did you made so much one shots ? Why are healers so OP that they can top people from 10% HP ?

Why are you so bad at your jobs ?

And the funny thing is the game used to be fun once before. Now you introduced a ways to make it unfun. Well don’t be suprised that people won’t play your game then. You don’t deserve my money -_-

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There’s not even tier set out , and not everyone have the same gear

But by looking at OP it seems someone lost to a mage :smirk:

:popcorn: Popcorn thread time :smile: :popcorn:


was it ever balanced?

an Mmo game doesn’t have to be balanced to be fun

it’s more of a question of how good is the combat system/Gameplay, and that’s where Blizzard is failing at the moment because of M+ and by living in the own bubble "ignoring criticism from other players

and even in pve/m+ the classes played better back then, so I can assure you that the quality in Pve getting also worse, they just have clueless combat designer there

because of the skill cap from the players in “pve/m+” Blizzard artificially increases the difficulty by having to stun and kick the mobs more often than in previous expansions

but to make this possible, blizzard reduced the cd of the stuns and gave some classes
also more cc to remain competitive in Pve

because their ego is bigger than their own skill


I’d be actually surprised if it would be balanced after this new hero talent system, lol.
Remember Shadowlands S1 PvP? I’m expecting pretty much the same. :'D

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Imo it’s a bit early to talk about balance. Season hasn’t rolled out yet.

We had the beta to test it. There hasn’t really been that many big changes to skew it since then.

I think it’s needed larger scale of data collection to safely make conclusions

I wonder same as well.

I leveled my Rsham and you basically never cast, 3 riptide with pretty short cd, 30sec ns and you summon pet so often and multiple casting spells (while not being interruptable or cc able…

Ngl it’s fun it feels dynamic but if every hero talent looks that way, it will be pretty weird.

I don’t see a possibility to kill people if healer can heal without cast (except if there is insane dmg and or low hps).

Season hasn’t rolled out yet, he said …

There are some basic borders that are placed without a need of a season or balance or whatever. It’s the time to kill a player.

Kidney shot is still 6 sec no matter the season. Divine shield is still 6 sec no matter anything. So blizz are saying you somehow have to survive more than 6 sec no matter if it’s season, pre season, fun season or imbalanced season.

So what happens when time to kill is less than 6 seconds ?

Fun times for badly designed classes (not only rogue and paladin). Bad times for everyone else.
And yeah frost mages are still OP, grab popcorn all you like, you won’t make WoW PvP devs better at their jobs.


Sometimes you lose. Get over it. :hugs:

what do you mean

you are saying that nobody is supposed to die while stun or…?

its actually 5 seconds…

still? frostmage hasnt been strong in years? lol

So this season guys :

  • Rogue/war/dk

  • Lock / Mage / Elem / Sp

Others dps class just go turn warmode off and do pve this season.