Hi, i tried to test my druid on the PTR for 11.1 unfortunately after character selection the loginprogress doesn’t even start and after 5-10 seconds the game crashes. i tried to delete cache wtf and interface even though i wasn’t able to login once. and created a template lvl 70 char as well as copied one over from retail. I also created a complete new wow account for the ptr with a template lvl 70 char ,all chars could not login. i lowered graphic settings to 1 and turned of every advanced gpu feature, even switched to directx11 no change.
i scan&repaired also with not success.
the crashreport id is: “9FF33575-E380-4D1D-BA4D-4833D311FFA4” let me know if you already encountered the bug or if i can assist you with more information.
i got it working, had to uninstall a SAPI voice i added for TTS during TwitchStreams.
there was no direct error detectable but processmonitor said it was the last dll loaded by wowt.exe before it crashes. Please try to forward this bug to RnD as SAPI Voices should not impact the launch of WoW.