Retail crashes to Windows and “an unexpected error” message comes up almost every other time when loading into a zone like the Emerald Dream or using Hearthstone, this has been an issue since 10.2.0 but has increased since 10.6.0 launched, now it can crash while loading at the start of playing, and i have only been able to try Plunderstorm once because 1 out of 10 attempts didn’t crash on the map loading or character loading, i have reinstalled the game, done scan and repair, modified install to only use Directx 12, gone through my other programs to see if it’s a Windows problem, but Retail WoW is the only game on Battle.Net or any other game service that has this issue, WoW Classic doesn’t have any issues, all my equipment and specs are 2023 tech, like the Intel chip and Nvidia 4080 graphics card, i put this PC together and played without issues until 10.2.0 launched, then it started crashing going into the Emerald Dream and since then the issue is just getting worse
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