Game doesn't work after 8.1 patch

Hello everyone.

First of all, apologies for the lack of responses but remember that the forum is not attended 24/7.

Regarding this case, we haven’t found anything that could cause this issue. As I stated before, most of the cases are related to unsupported hardware, which is something we never help with.

With the recent update, the game client received several upgrades and optimizations for modern systems which can affect older ones. We understand the frustration of having the game working and stop running after the patch, but this is a risk that unsupported hardware has. We can never guarantee that the game runs in these components, that’s why they are unsupported. You can review our scope of support here.

Please make sure your system meets the minimum requirements. These requirements were posted back when Battle for Azeroth launched:

If your system is supported and still have the same issue (WoW not loading or black screen) make sure you follow all the steps from this guide (including the advanced ones):

If you are receiving specific errors, there are specific guides for them:

Thanks for your patience.

How did I do? Let me know!