Game freezing when opening character window

Since the release of patch 8.3 I started noticing that whenever I open the character window (default key: C), the game completely freezes for several seconds (usually anything from 5 - 15 sec).

And then it’s good for a bit, and again after a while (especially . in crowded areas like cities, or invasions), I press C, window pops up and the game completely freezes for several seconds, to then resume working normally.

This has never happened to me previously - and my settings are exactly the same as they were prior to patch 8.3 …

Anybody else experiencing this ?

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I have exactly the same issue

First step in any troubleshooting is to REMOVE your addons. Not just “disable” but actual remove them entirely.

So I would suggest that you REMOVE your addons and see if that helps.

basic answer from blizzard that i see for 14 years same as posting your dx diag, but people always start posting problems for a reason and not as a joke.
the game was good before 8.3 came out but after 8.3 and always the fist 2 weeks after a major patch wow it crap,buggie and laggie and not only on EU side, problems seems te be all over the world.

Hi there!

So when a new patch hits, a lot of the time, Addons are not up to date with the lastest information which has been changed by the patch. This in turn causes strange issues in all sorts of areas, including potentially the problems you’re running into right now. That’s why we generally suggest the very first thing to do is to reset the User Interface entirely, and see if that helps. You can find a guide to doing that here:


Time to go read the threats on this forum mr blue alot of people deleted there addons and wtf like me and its still lagging especially in assaulted zones.
i know its a stress time but there was a long test fase and lots of testers sended bugs etc but alot isnt fixed yet, i see alot of bugs, and lag problems still exist in the live version


I tried this. It does no solve the issue. The game still freezes in cities or in raids, when i open character window, and it is disgustingly annoying!


Hello All,

what it fixed for me:
Check what is your most recent updated Addon. Is it iLvl Addon? Remove it.
Check if you have this or a similar addon that interacts with your Character window.