Game isnt worth atm

it doesnt have to be templates. There is someth between. Just make skill more of a factor without making Gear, progress, rewards meanigless.


I totally agree with that. Once I fully geared everything dies super dast

Every content update or expansion makes the game worse. It is hardly imaginable this game could go even lower, I know, but so far, they always manage to blow our minds and screw everything even more, so I wouldnt hope too much.


Ofc its not
h ttps://

Yes, give back scaling or templates. It wasn’t a perfect solution, but still far better than the sh*tshow that we have today.

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Templates not affecting power levels is a myth, your ilvl still decided how many stats you got so your ilvl was still very much important, the only difference was it not allowing you to choose your stats (which imo is a form of dumbing down gameplay)
The problem isn’t people picking their own stats, the problem is Blizzard designing the ilvl gap to be this big, even with the templates if this big powergap is intended design it wouldn’t solved anything because they’d still code that powergap in

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The problem is the huge gear jumps. In pvp there is no need to have seperate brackets of gear you should have base honor gear and then base conquest gear. None of this upgrading nonsense. The reward for skilled pvpers and higher ranked players would be getting their gear faster not 25ilvl higher to make them even mpre godly.

As a very casual pvper (who doesnt really touch arena) pvp was fun at the beginning but now its damn near impossible to enjoy even a random bg. I find it weird that blizzard try to balance around and reward around arena its effectively a failed esport.

Alternatively Id like to at least see some form of bgs where gear is normalised.

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Yeh me too.
I think a lot of others would, also.

It’d give players not only a fighting chance, but a place to learn where they’re going wrong, instead of getting insta-squished & wondering what they could have done differently (nothing).

It’d also give people who hate this roflstomp-fest a reason not to unsub.

Let people who want huge gear advantages have Randoms & skirmishes & ladders.
But can the rest of us have somewhere to queue where skill>gear, please.

I don’t see why people deserve an insta-win in x, because they’ve played a lot of y. There’s no move-countermove / turn-based ideology underpinning PvP when disparity is so maheussive.
It feels like it’s been designed by someone who either doesn’t PvP &or doesn’t understand/care about the plight of people complaining/unsubbing.

9.1 looks like it’s going to get worse.

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I really had high hopes they would listen to our feedback, but in the end they just decided to continue with this BS gearing system.

The only solution now is to unsub, because only language Blizzard understands is money.


That does seem like the smart solution, but I doubt it’ll change anything.
Boost revenue probably outweighs lost subs & I could see them just dangling more carrots to attract x to y to advertise the ‘increased activity’ inspite of lost subs.

People boosting or buy a boost, nobody playing. I talked with 1 guy that i know with hight arena exp, he just take glad tittle and quit this game till 9.1(i think kekw). Said there is very hard to find people to play with, everyone is boosting. As for casual solo players - this expansion is hardly against them, they just sit at 1200 with 2000+ games and can’t climb.

100 % true.

Rogue is one of the easiest to gear up, as you said you sat in stealth and used sap and blind productively but you arent say a shaman or warlock who 100% get one tapped and targeted constantly.

I do agree there is ways to cheese gear and grind rating but the whole point is its not fun to do so. Gaming should be fun and i think that is lost in translation with blizzard who design purely on metrics and what takes the most time.

Blizzard ask ‘how can we extend this to take up the most amount of effort and time for players’ instead of ‘how can we make this a fun and rewarding experience for the player’.

I hear all this ohh yeah but everyone gets one tapped. True to an extent but look at the first couple of months of the expansion. PvP was amazing and queues were popping off. Why? There wasnt a huge gear disparity and people were legitimately enjoying the experience. Honor gear was actually worth the grind - now? its completely laughable. You have to suffer weeks of grinding honor gear to cap at 197 but even 197 is just fodder in even random bgs.

In my opinion they should revert back to there only being two sets of gear with no upgrades - honor and conquest. Rating can give tints and make gear faster to achieve but should not offer such wild stat increases as we see now. This isnt PvE and shouldnt be treated as such - if they want to extend the time it takes to ‘get geared’ then they should increase the costs of pieces.


Before SL: I don’t like to do alts
After SL: I don’t like Paladins. And alts.

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Problem is that you need approx 100k honor for 197 gear which is not even good. Just time sink for nothing. Ive geared my main and 2 alts for 197 gear and i am sick of it. SL is boosting heaven and they lost me. Not gonna preorder next xpac thats for sure, 2nd expansion in a row got baited by their paid boosters err i mean paid streamers.

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100% true and i agree with all what you said. The Systems worked pretty well for the first 2 months after that they forgot to react and change things.

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Yea now lvl 60 just feels like playing a twink bracket in mop and wod

This one has a brain . Hire him blizzard!

this was in legion… but people hated legion.

But for different reasons (not being able to adjust stats).
PvP seemed healthier with respect to everyone’s spells having an impact, not just the max-geared folk.

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