Game randomly freezes during combat after 10.1 patch

Same issue
Seems to be something in game that triggers it. Lighting or particles.
Happened in some of the Wotlk time walking dungeons
Happened when I kill Xavius when he dies in EN

Ryzen 9 5900X | RX 6950 XT


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Radeon 6900XT here -
Randomly on fights (I think mostly when a boss is using some kind of AoE splash) - e.g. now I was fighting this rare Snake in Zaralek Caverns Kob’rok, and every time it hides underground, I got freeze.
This time my entire screen went black, the cave appeared, the rest of the textures, and finally players.

Another example - when doing Court of Stars, I had freezes all the time during 2nd boss and her bodyguards. After every freeze I could see mountains below instance, then streets and buildings, and finally everything else came back.

Was thinking it is some kind addon related problem, but without addons problem persists.


Same for me RX 6600. Fixed with DirectX 11

There’s a post about this on the US servers too, which mentions a coming hotfix.

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I’ve had this happen on Nvidia and Intel GPUs too.

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Yes, with my Nvidia the game also randomly freezes very often. The game is unplayable. All started with 10.1 update. Change to DX11 dosn’t wokr anymore for me, this morning I got the same issue.

Thanks for the continued reports and details about specs, they’ve all been monitored and a fix is being worked on for those freezes. For now, the DirectX 11 workaround is still our best advice, but keep an eye on our hotfixes for when that’s sorted.

Same issue here. Changing to DX11 did NOT help me in any way, still suffering from the same freezes/crashes.
Only happened in 10.1 on ~2 month old drivers, same effect when updated to most recent.
Sometimes it’ll freeze for about 5-10 seconds only in combat (only seen it in m+, but haven’t done any raids/rares) and come back, other times I’m forced to manually close the application and launch it again. UI/graphics elements missing shortly after relogging and then reappearing after a few seconds.

5900x & 6800XT

problem seems to be fixed ?
but I don’t see any mention under

Today, 09/05/23, I am using DX12 in a dungeon and the problem seems to have been fixed.

Hello !
Same problem with freezes only with Dragonflight (have to reboot the pc, game completely freeze), Classic runs fine…
Windows 11, i5-12600k, 32 Go RAM, AMD 6700 XT. Don’t try DX11 yet

also have freezing issue. it actually looks like a dc but chat and groupfinder works normal, i can even move my character but attacks dont work and nothing in my environment works anymore.

it happens when i engage rares with other players, when i am fighting alone nothing happens.
so definitey a wow issue here

i have a gtx 3070 so not amd

I get a random freeze sometimes, that wasn’t happening in previous patch. Not sure what’s triggering it, but mostly it happens after killing a rare in Zaralek Cavern. Nvidia GPU.

try to change directx, helped for me

So since 2 days ago im getting these weird freezes and fps drops from like 100 to 20 then 120 to 30,and when i enter combat it sometimes goes down to 5 fps,this didnt happen with the new patch at all,but something who knows what happened since the last 2 days and now its basically unplayable for me…i got a good PC(updated drivers)and the fps drops dont happen during other games so i really have no idea whats going on :confused:

Going to DX11 cuts the fps in half, not an option sadly.

my game runs on dx12,its so strange that out of the blue one day game stars to freeze and stutter like insane



The problem is i have exactly the same problems but i use an intel i9-9900k (RTX 2080 ti)… all Updates are up to date.

I’ve also tried directx11, vertical sync, without addons etc. Doesn’t bring any improvement. It occurs very sporadically. In m+ or just standing around in Valdraken… It’s currently not possible to play like this :confused:

Ever since last patch I got many freezes too. Up to 4 in a single hour so far.
They happen for me mostly when changing area’s (when you see in your screen the name of the new area you entered). Or when engaging world bosses (happened twice with Pandaria world boss).

My entire game freezes and I have to kill it and restart game entirely.
Using Nvidia card (GTX1660Ti) and DirectX11. (I was already using DX11 since DX12 give horrible flickering ever since Shadowlands due to crappy Nvidia drivers that they wont fix)
Never had fps differences between DX11 and 12 though.

I’m having same issue since March, not so occasionally tho. I had happened few days during march, got fixed randomly. Happened few days on April, updating drivers solved problems. But I’m having problem for a week since now. I literally tried everything, updated drivers, playing without any addon, directx 11, even I reinstalled wow entirely, it didn’t fixed anything. I never had any issue till March, since march, it is so unplayable.

I sent a ticket, they respond “get a new cpu, git gud” basically (I have i3 7100, I KNOW it is antique), I mean, it is all started with 10.0.7 patch…