Game randomly freezes during combat after 10.1 patch

Exactly my problem too! A day or 2 after patch 10.1, my game has become ubearable to play. 1-5 FPS when logging in (in Valdrakken) and it stays around 20. I can’t even move my camera without the game freezing.

Really hope Blizzard comes with a solution soon, as my game time is paid for, yet I can’t even play. And this is definitely not an issue on my side.

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Okay so i dont know what happened but to me the game runs normal again now,but i noticed nothing changed,and i did nothing on my own to change anything,guess Blizz figured something out

Still massive freeze issues, mostly when I enter a different zone but also kind of randomly. Nvidia, changing to DirektX11 seems to have helped but hopefully there is a fix soon so I can change back to DIrektX12

Edit: nvm it didn’t fix it, the freezes came back shortly after I posted this.

Its probably both and deadlock issue related if you run world of warcraft go into task manager click details section search for wow.exe and right click analyze wait chain you see what is part of the problem likely, all of Blizzard games have deadlock issues each and every single one of them.

Microsoft has fixed some deadlock issues with 4 threads and less but wow uses 6 i believe ? you may also wanna get in touch with Microsoft as well this may require fixes from both Blizzard AMD and Microsoft

Whats frustating is i have thread up for 175days without single response from Blizzard like im just being shadow banned, and it pisses me off
I just bought the expansion full price took 1 year sub and sudenly get freezes on dialy basis even after upgrading gpu to a 7900 XTX

Normally i be playing lots of world of warcraft and even pre ordering diablo 4 instead i am very pissed off not playing wow and most defiantly not buying diablo 4, thanks for your ignorance for an issue that has existed for a year now

Sincerely very angry customer, feel free to ignore me, i will nag and complain and there is nothing you can do about it.

edit: speaking of freezes i am talking about whole system freezing up and others have reported this since last year even before me, its really starting to piss me off.

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Six times last Freehold M+ run… It’s not playable. Random 20 sec Freeze…

32 ram
win 11
nvidia 1650.

Use Direct 11, try to change for Direct 12 and freeze again:D

up ! I use a 2070 super and i’m facing same issue. I did a bit of troubleshooting and this is not due to add-ons

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