I did this three years ago but much has changed and new characters have been born and old characters have gotten older. So why not try again?! Im curious!
No matter when your character passes away; untimely, overdue, right on time-
No matter how your character passes away; kodo stampede, wars, blight, time, sea monsters-
Any way, any how;
What would be their last words?
Something very long, and very elaborate.
Also entirely incomprehensible as it’s likely spoken in shath’yar as Obahar succumbs to his own madness.
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Some evil, gurgling, maniacal laugh. Not one for words.
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“A cosmos divided will not survive what is to come ”
May the eternal sun shine upon thee.
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Warranty void if seal is broken.
Jokes aside she’d probably utter words of disbelief.
“I didn’t see this coming…”
Or in actuality, monstrous roaring and hissing most likely.
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" …Come closer… Before I die, you must know that… "
- IF INDULGED: “…I’m not going alone.” - one last ditch attempt at self-immolating with the trusting party.
- IF IGNORED: “…ach. Smart.” - Self-immolating regardless. Nobody shall get his Epic Loot.
I think the fact his name is ‘Corpseburner’ should probably be a bit of a giveaway as to what he plans to do with corpses. Including his own.
“… Come closer… I… I hid my vast wealth at…”
Dies before being able to actually give any location, leaving a massive pile of hoarded wealth to, maybe, be found one day
“You did it Kump. You defeated me. You really are the Bright Seer.”
“Well, since we’re all going to die anyway I’ll go on and say it. I did not care for Romulo and Julianne. It insists upon itself.”
What? What does that even mean?
“Brother may I have some oats?”
The entertainment on offer at the Karazhan Opera Hall is sub par and derivative of better works.
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